(R-admin.info)The standalone Rmath library

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9 The standalone Rmath library

The routines supporting the distribution and special(1) functions in R
and a few others are declared in C header file 'Rmath.h'.  These can be
compiled into a standalone library for linking to other applications.
(Note that they are not a separate library when R is built, and the
standalone version differs in several ways.)

   The makefiles and other sources needed are in directory
'src/nmath/standalone', so the following instructions assume that is the
current working directory (in the build directory tree on a Unix-alike
if that is separate from the sources).

   'Rmath.h' contains 'R_VERSION_STRING', which is a character string
containing the current R version, for example '"3.5.0"'.

   There is full access to R's handling of 'NaN', 'Inf' and '-Inf' via
special versions of the macros and functions

         ISNAN, R_FINITE, R_log, R_pow and R_pow_di

and (extern) constants 'R_PosInf', 'R_NegInf' and 'NA_REAL'.

   There is no support for R's notion of missing values, in particular
not for 'NA_INTEGER' nor the distinction between 'NA' and 'NaN' for

   A little care is needed to use the random-number routines.  You will
need to supply the uniform random number generator

         double unif_rand(void)

or use the one supplied (and with a shared library or DLL you may have
to use the one supplied, which is the Marsaglia-multicarry with an entry

         set_seed(unsigned int, unsigned int)

to set its seeds).

   The facilities to change the normal random number generator are
available through the constant 'N01_kind'.  This takes values from the
enumeration type

     typedef enum {
     } N01type;

(and 'USER_NORM' is not available).

Unix-alike standalone
Windows standalone
   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) e.g. Bessel, beta and gamma functions

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