(R-intro.info)Writing your own functions

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10 Writing your own functions

As we have seen informally along the way, the R language allows the user
to create objects of mode _function_.  These are true R functions that
are stored in a special internal form and may be used in further
expressions and so on.  In the process, the language gains enormously in
power, convenience and elegance, and learning to write useful functions
is one of the main ways to make your use of R comfortable and

   It should be emphasized that most of the functions supplied as part
of the R system, such as 'mean()', 'var()', 'postscript()' and so on,
are themselves written in R and thus do not differ materially from user
written functions.

   A function is defined by an assignment of the form

     > NAME <- function(ARG_1, ARG_2, ...) EXPRESSION

The EXPRESSION is an R expression, (usually a grouped expression), that
uses the arguments, ARG_I, to calculate a value.  The value of the
expression is the value returned for the function.

   A call to the function then usually takes the form 'NAME(EXPR_1,
EXPR_2, ...)' and may occur anywhere a function call is legitimate.

Simple examples
Defining new binary operators
Named arguments and defaults
The three dots argument
Assignment within functions
More advanced examples
Customizing the environment
Object orientation

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