(a2ps.info)Name and key

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7.5.1 Name and key

Every style sheet has both a key, and a name.  The name can be clean and
beautiful, with any character you might want.  The key is in fact the
prefix part of the file name, and is alpha-numerical, lower case, and
less than 8 characters long.

   Anywhere a2ps needs to recognize a style sheet by a name, *it uses
the key* (in the 'sheets.map' file, with the option '-E', etc.).

   As an example, C++ is implemented in a file called 'cxx.ssh', in
which the name is declared to be 'C++'.

   The rationale is that not every system accepts any character in the
file name (e.g., no '+' in MS-DOS). Moreover, it allows to make symbolic
links on the ssh files (e.g., 'ln -s cxx.ssh c++.ssh' let's you use '-E

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