(a2ps.info)Non PostScript Printers

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10.2.6 How Can I Print on Non PostScript Printers?

     I use a2ps at work and wish to use it at home, but my printer is
     not PostScript.  How can I do?

   'Ghostscript' might be the tool you need (Note: Glossary).  It
support conversion to many different non PostScript printers.

   Here are some tips on how to use a non PostScript printer.  If
somebody feels like writing a more precise documentation, she really is

   Please refer to the 'Ghostscript' documentation for a precise
description of the tuning you need.

   Basically, the first step you need is to achieve to call
'Ghostscript' in a pipe chain.  In other words, try to find out the
right arguments 'Ghostscript' needs in order to print with a command
like this:
     $ cat file.ps | gs MORE ARGUMENTS

   In general it is the same command as for calling 'Ghostscript' with a
filename, except that the file name to use is '-':
     $ cat file.ps \
       | gs -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=deskjet -sOutputFile=- - -c quit\
       | lp -dPRINTER-NAME

   Once it works, it is then easy to settle the right 'Printer:' line in
your configuration file (Note: Your Printers).  For instance:
     Printer: djet \
       | gs -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=deskjet -sOutputFile=- - -c quit\
       | lp -d djet

   Christian Mondrup <scancm@biobase.dk> uses a2ps under Windows with a
non PostScript printer.  He uses:
     DefaultPrinter: | //c/gstools/gs5.10/Gswin32c.exe         \
        -Ic:\gstools\gs5.10;c:\gstools\gs5.10\fonts            \
        -sDEVICE=ljet4 -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dNOPAUSE -r300 -dSAFER  \
        -sOutputFile="\\spool\HP LaserJet 5L (PCL)"            \
        -q - -c quit

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