(a2ps.info)Style Sheet Header

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7.6.2 Style Sheet Header

The definition of the name of the style sheet is:
     'style' NAME 'is'
       # body of the style sheet
     'end' 'style'

   The following constructions are optional:

     To define the version number of the style sheet
          version is VERSION-NUMBER

     To define the author(s).
          written by AUTHORS

     Giving your email is useful for bug reports about style sheets.
          written by "Some Body <Some.Body@some.whe.re>"

     To specify the version of a2ps it requires.  a2ps won't accept a
     file which requires a higher version number than its own.
          requires a2ps A2PS-VERSION-NUMBER

     To leave extra comments people should read.
          documentation is
          end documentation
     STRINGS may be a list of strings, without comas, in which case new
     lines are automatically inserted between each item.  Note:
     Documentation Format, for details on the format.

     Please, write useful comments, not 'This style is devoted to C
     files', since the name is here for that, nor 'Report errors to
     mail@me.somewhere', since 'written by' is there for that.
          documentation is
              "Not all the keywords are used, to avoid too much"
              "bolding. Heavy highlighting (code(-g)code), covers"
              "the whole language."
          end documentation

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