(a2ps.info)Your Default Options

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4.3 Your Default Options

 -- Configuration Setting: Options: OPTIONS+
     Give a2ps a list of command line options.  OPTIONS+ is any sequence
     of regular command line options (Note: Invoking a2ps).

     It is the correct way to define the default behavior you expect
     from a2ps.  If for instance you want to use 'Letter' as medium,
     then use:

          Options: --medium=Letter

     It is exactly the same as always giving a2ps the option
     '--medium=Letter' at run time.

   The quoting mechanism is the same as that of a shell.  For instance
     Options: --right-title="Page $p" --center-title="Hello World!"
     Options: --title="arg 'Jack said \\\"hi\\\"' has double quotes"

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