(ddd.info)Command Tool

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3.3 The Command Tool

The command tool is a small window that gives you access to the most
frequently used DDD commands.  It can be moved around on top of the DDD
windows, but it can also be placed besides them.

   By default, the command tool _sticks_ to the DDD source window:
Whenever you move the DDD source window, the command tool follows such
that the distance between source window and command tool remains the
same.  By default, the command tool is also _auto-raised_, such that it
stays on top of other DDD windows.

   The command tool can be configured to appear as a command tool bar
above the source window; see `Edit => Preferences => Source => Tool
Buttons Location' for details.

   Whenever you save DDD state, DDD also saves the distance between
command tool and source window, such that you can select your own
individual command tool placement.  To move the command tool to its
saved position, use `View => Command Tool'.

   These are the buttons of the command tool.  Note that not all buttons
may be inactive, depending on the current state and the capabilities of
the inferior debugger.

     Start program execution.  When you click this button, your program
     will begin to execute immediately.  Note: Starting Program
     Execution, for details.

     Interrupt program execution.  This is equivalent to sending an
     interrupt signal to the process.  Note: Interrupting, for

     Continue running your program until control reaches a different
     source line, then stop it and return control to DDD.  Note:
     Resuming Execution, for details.

     Execute one machine instruction, then stop and return to DDD.
     Note: Machine Code Execution, for details.

     Continue to the next source line in the current (innermost) stack
     frame.  This is similar to `Step', but function calls that appear
     within the line of code are executed without stopping.  Note:
     Resuming Execution, for details.

     Execute one machine instruction, but if it is a function call,
     proceed until the function returns.  Note: Machine Code
     Execution, for details.

     Continue running until a source line past the current line, in the
     current stack frame, is reached.  Note: Resuming Execution, for

     Continue running until just after function in the selected stack
     frame returns.  Print the returned value (if any).  Note: Resuming
     Execution, for details.

     Resume program execution, at the address where your program last
     stopped; any breakpoints set at that address are bypassed.  Note:
     Resuming Execution, for details.

     Kill the process of the debugged program.  Note: Killing the
     Program, for details.

     Select the stack frame (i.e. the function) that called this one.
     This advances toward the outermost frame, to higher frame numbers,
     to frames that have existed longer.  Note: Stack, for details.

     Select the stack frame (i.e. the function) that was called by this
     one.  This advances toward the innermost frame, to lower frame
     numbers, to frames that were created more recently.  Note:
     Stack, for details.

     Undo the most recent action.  Almost all commands can be undone
     this way.  Note: Undo and Redo, for details.

     Redo the action most recently undone.  Every command undone can be
     redone this way.  Note: Undo and Redo, for details.

     Invoke an editor for the current source file.  Note: Editing
     Source Code, for details.

     Run the `make' program with the most recently given arguments.
     Note: Recompiling, for details.

Customizing the Command Tool
Customizing Tool Position

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