(ddd.info)Customizing Editing

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9.1.1 Customizing Editing

You can customize the editor to be used via `Edit => Preferences =>
Helpers => Edit Sources'.  This is tied to the following resource:

 -- Resource: editCommand (class EditCommand)
     A command string to invoke an editor on the specific file.
     `@LINE@' is replaced by the current line number, `@FILE@' by the
     file name.  The default is to invoke `$XEDITOR' first, then
     `$EDITOR', then `vi':

          Ddd*editCommand: \
          ${XEDITOR-false} +@LINE@ @FILE@ || \
          xterm -e ${EDITOR-vi} +@LINE@ @FILE@

   This `~/.ddd/init' setting invokes an editing session for an XEmacs
editor running `gnuserv':

     Ddd*editCommand: gnuclient +@LINE@ @FILE@

   This `~/.ddd/init' setting invokes an editing session for an Emacs
editor running `emacsserver':

     Ddd*editCommand: emacsclient +@LINE@ @FILE@

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