(ddd.info)Deleting Displays

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Enter node , (file) or (file)node Deleting Displays

To delete a single display, select its title or value and click on the
`Undisp' button.  As an alternative, you can also press _mouse button
3_ on the display and select the `Undisplay' item.

   When a display is deleted, its immediate ancestors and descendants
are automatically selected, so that you can easily delete entire graphs.

   If you have selected only part of a display, clicking on the
`Undisp' button allows you to _suppress_ this part--by applying the
_Suppress Values_ theme on the part.  You'll be asked for confirmation
first.  Note: Using Data Themes, for details.

   To delete several displays at once, use the `Undisp' button in the
Display Editor (invoked via `Data => Displays').  Select any number of
display items in the usual way and delete them by pressing `Undisp'.

   As an alternative, you can also use a DDD command:

     graph undisplay DISPLAYS...

   Here, DISPLAYS... is either
   * a space-separated list of display numbers to disable or enable, or

   * a single display name.  If you specify a display by name, all
     displays with this name will be affected.

   If you are using stacked windows, deleting the last display from the
data window also automatically closes the data window.  (You can change
this via `Edit => Preferences => Data => Close data window when
deleting last display'.)

   If you deleted a display by mistake, use `Edit => Undo' to re-create

   Finally, you can also cut, copy, and paste displays using the `Cut',
`Copy', and `Paste' items from the `Edit' menu.  The clipboard holds
the _commands_ used to create the displays; `Paste' inserts the display
commands in the debugger console.  This allows you to save displays for
later usage or to copy displays across multiple DDD instances.

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