(ddd.info)Examining Memory

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7.5 Examining Memory

Using GDB or DBX, you can examine memory in any of several formats,
independently of your program's data types.  The item `Data => Memory'
pops up a panel where you can choose the format to be shown.

   In the panel, you can enter

   * a "repeat count", a decimal integer that specifies how much memory
     (counting by units) to display

   * a "display format"--one of

          Print as integer in octal

          Regard the bits of the value as an integer, and print the
          integer in hexadecimal.

          Print as integer in signed decimal.

          Print as integer in unsigned decimal.

          Print as integer in binary.

          Regard the bits of the value as a floating point number and
          print using typical floating point syntax.

          Print as an address, both absolute in hexadecimal and as an
          offset from the nearest preceding symbol.

          Print as machine instructions.  The unit size is ignored for
          this display format.

          Regard as an integer and print it as a character constant.

          Print as null-terminated string.  The unit size is ignored
          for this display format.

   * a "unit size"--one of


          Halfwords (two bytes).

          Words (four bytes).

          Giant words (eight bytes).

   * an "address"--the starting display address.  The expression need
     not have a pointer value (though it may); it is always interpreted
     as an integer address of a byte of memory.

   There are two ways to examine the values:

   * You can dump the memory in the debugger console (using `Print').
     If you repeat the resulting `x' command by pressing <Return> in
     the debugger console (Note: Command History), the following area
     of memory is shown.

   * You can also display the memory dump in the data window (using
     `Display').  If you choose to display the values, the values will
     be updated automatically each time the program stop.

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