(debian-policy.info)Maintainer script flowcharts

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21 Maintainer script flowcharts

The flowcharts (1) included in this appendix use the following

   - maintainer scripts and their arguments are within boxes;

   - actions carried out external to the scripts are in italics; and

   - the ‘dpkg’ status of the package at the end of the run are in bold

[image src="debian-policy-install.png" alt="Installing a package that was not previously installed"]

Figure: Installing a package that was not previously installed

[image src="debian-policy-install-conffiles.png" alt="Installing a package that was previously removed, but not purged"]

Figure: Installing a package that was previously removed, but not purged

[image src="debian-policy-upgrade.png" alt="Upgrading a package"]

Figure: Upgrading a package

[image src="debian-policy-remove.png" alt="Removing a package"]

Figure: Removing a package

[image src="debian-policy-purge.png" alt="Purging a package previously removed"]

Figure: Purging a package previously removed

[image src="debian-policy-remove-purge.png" alt="Removing and purging a package"]

Figure: Removing and purging a package

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) These flowcharts were originally created by Margarita Manterola
for the Debian Women project wiki.

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