(debian-policy.info)Providing a shlibs file

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Enter node , (file) or (file)node Providing a ‘shlibs’ file

To provide a ‘shlibs’ file for a shared library binary package, create a
‘shlibs’ file following the format described above and place it in the
‘DEBIAN’ directory for that package during the build.  It will then be
included as a control file for that package.  (1)

Since ‘dpkg-shlibdeps’ reads the ‘DEBIAN/shlibs’ files in all of the
binary packages being built from this source package, all of the
‘DEBIAN/shlibs’ files should be installed before ‘dpkg-shlibdeps’ is
called on any of the binary packages.

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) This is what ‘dh_makeshlibs’ in the debhelper suite does.  If
your package also has a udeb that provides a shared library,
‘dh_makeshlibs’ can automatically generate the ‘udeb:’ lines if you
specify the name of the udeb with the ‘--add-udeb’ option.

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