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4.15 Reproducibility

Packages should build reproducibly, which for the purposes of this
document (1) means that given

   - a version of a source package unpacked at a given path;

   - a set of versions of installed build dependencies;

   - a set of environment variable values;

   - a build architecture; and

   - a host architecture,

repeatedly building the source package for the build architecture on any
machine of the host architecture with those versions of the build
dependencies installed and exactly those environment variable values set
will produce bit-for-bit identical binary packages.

It is recommended that packages produce bit-for-bit identical binaries
even if most environment variables and build paths are varied.  It is
intended for this stricter standard to replace the above when it is
easier for packages to meet it.

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) This is Debian’s precisification of the reproducible-builds.org
definition (https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/definition/).

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