(eplain.info)Link options for pdftex and dvipdfm

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Enter node , (file) or (file)node Link options for 'pdftex' and 'dvipdfm'

Link options are mostly the same for the 'pdftex' and 'dvipdfm' drivers.
The 'pdftex' driver has additional options to specify link dimensions.

Common link options

     Border color. An array of three numbers in the range 0 to 1,
     representing a color in DeviceRGB.

     Example: '\hlstart{name}{bcolor=.1 .5 1}{dest123}Link\hlend'

     Array of numbers representing on and off stroke lengths for drawing

     Example: '\hlstart{name}{bstyle=D,bdash=2 4}{dest123}Link\hlend'

     Link border style:

          The border is drawn as a solid line.

          The border is drawn with a dashed line (the dash pattern is
          specified by the 'bdash' option).

          The border is drawn in a beveled style.

          The border is drawn in an inset style.

          The border is drawn as a line on the bottom of the link

     The default is 'S'.

     Example: '\hlstart{name}{bstyle=D,bdash=2 4}{dest123}Link\hlend'

     Border width in PostScript points (72 points per inch). The default
     is 1.

     Example: '\hlstart{name}{bwidth=2}{dest123}Link\hlend'

     Name of the macro (without the leading '\') containing a pdfTeX
     command or a dvipdfm '\special' for the 'raw' link.

     Note: Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm, the description of the
     'raw' link, for an example.

     File name for the 'filename' and 'filepage' link types.

     Note: Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm, the descriptions of the
     'filename' and 'filepage' links, for an example.

     Link border highlight modes:

          The rectangle specified by the bounding box of the link is

          No highlighting is done.

          The border of the link is inverted.

          The region underneath the bounding box of the link is drawn
          inset into the page.

     The default is 'I'.

     Example: '\hlstart{name}{bstyle=S,hlight=O}{dest123}Link\hlend'

     For the 'filename' and 'filepage' links, specifies whether the
     destination document is opened in the same window or in a new
     window. The settings are:

          Open in the same window.
          Open in a new window.
          Behavior according to the viewer settings.

     The default is empty.

     Note: Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm, the descriptions of the
     'filename' and 'filepage' links, for an example.

     For the 'page' and 'filepage links', specifies how the page must be
     fitted to the window. 'pagefit' specification is written to the PDF
     file as is, so it must conform to the PDF standard.

     Note: Link types for pdftex and dvipdfm, the descriptions of the
     'page' and 'filepage' links, for an example.

'pdftex'-specific link options

The dimension options below must be specified as a TeX rule
specification. When set to empty, the corresponding value of the parent
box is used (this is the default for all dimension options).

     Depth of the link.

     Height of the link.

     Width of the link.



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