(gv.info)Invoking gv

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2 Invoking gv

Usage: gv [OPTION]... [FILE]
PostScript and PDF viewer.
  [-]-monochrome                      display document using only black and white
  [-]-grayscale                       display document without colors
  [-]-color                           display document as usual
  [-]-safer                           start ghostscript in safe mode
  [-]-nosafer                         do not start ghostscript in safe mode
  [-]-safedir                         start ghostscript from a safe diretory
  [-]-nosafedir                       do not start ghostscript from a safe diretory
  [-]-quiet                           start ghostscript with the -dQUIET option
  [-]-noquiet                         do not start ghostscript with the -dQUIET option
  [-]-infoSilent                      do not show any messages in the info popup window
  [-]-infoErrors                      do not show warning messages in the info popup window
  [-]-infoAll                         do show all messages in the info popup window
  [-]-arguments=ARGS                  start ghostscript with additional options as specified
                                      by the string ARGS
  [-]-page=LABEL                      display the page with label LABEL first
  [-]-center                          the page should be centered automatically
  [-]-nocenter                        the page should not be centered automatically
  [-]-media=MEDIA                     selects the paper size to be used
  [-]-orientation=ORIENTATION         sets the orientation of the page
  [-]-scale=N|f.f                     selects the scale N, or arbitrary scale f.f
  [-]-scalebase=N                     selects the scale base N
  [-]-swap                            interchange the meaning of the orientations landscape
                                      and seascape
  [-]-noswap                          do not interchange the meaning of the orientation
                                      landscape and seascape
  [-]-antialias                       use antialiasing
  [-]-noantialias                     do not use antialiasing
  [-]-dsc                             dsc comments are respected
  [-]-nodsc                           dsc comments are not respected
  [-]-eof                             ignore the postscript EOF comment while scanning
  [-]-noeof                           do not ignore the postscript EOF comment while
                                      scanning documents
  [-]-pixmap                          use backing pixmap
  [-]-nopixmap                        do not use backing pixmap
  [-]-watch                           watch the document file for changes
  [-]-nowatch                         do not watch the document file for changes
  [-]-help                            print a help message and exit
  [-]-usage                           print a usage message and exit
  [-]-resize                          fit the size of the window to the size of the page
  [-]-noresize                        do not fit the size of the window to the size of the page
  -geometry [<width>][x<height>][{+-}<xoffset>{+-}<yoffset>]
  [-]-ad=FILE                         read and use additional resources from FILE
  [-]-style=FILE                      read and use additional resources from FILE. These resources
                                      have lower priority than those provided on the context of --ad
  [-]-password=PASSWORD               Sets the password for opening encrypted PDF files
  [-]-spartan                         shortcut for --style=gv_spartan.dat
  [-]-widgetless                      shortcut for --style=gv_widgetless.dat
  [-]-fullscreen                      start in fullscreen mode (needs support from WM)
  [-]-presentation                    Presentation mode (fullscreen, Fit to window,
                                      widgetless and no resizing of window)
  [-]-version                         show gv version and exit

     The name of the file to be displayed.  The file ending `.ps' may
     be omitted.  FILE may point to a compressed file (gzipped,
     bzipped, zipped or compressed).  Viewing PDF files requires at
     least ghostscript version 4.x.

     Read and use additional resources from the file FILE.  These
     resources have higher priority than those provided in the context
     of the `--style' option.

`--antialias, --noantialias'
     Whether to use antialiasing.

     Start ghostscrip with additional options as specified by the
     string ARGS.

`--center, --nocenter'
     Whether the page should be centered automatically.

`--dsc, --nodsc'
     Determines if _document structuring convention_ (DSC) comments
     should be respected or ignored. If `--nodsc' is used gv will not
     attempt to examine the structure of the document but will pass the
     file to the ghostscript interpreter as a whole. In this case no
     page numbers are shown and freely moving around in the document is
     not possible.  This option may help when viewing files not
     conforming to the _document structuring conventions_.

`--eof, --noeof'
     Defines the behaviour of the postscript scanner used to examine the
     structure of the document.  If `--noeof' is used the scanner will
     ignore end of file (EOF) comments. This may help when viewing
     documents which import other documents without enclosing them
     within the proper "BeginDocument" and "EndDocument" comments.  If
     `--eof' is used, the scanner treats an EOF comment as marking the
     end of the file.

     Selects the fullscreen mode.

     Do not show any ghostscript messages in an info popup window.

     Only show error messages from ghostscript in an info popup window.

     Shows all ghostscript messages in an info popup window.

`--pixmap, --nopixmap'
     If `--pixmap' is used gv tries to maintain off-screen regions of
     the displayed page by allocating a sufficiently large pixmap.  If
     `--nopixmap' is used the _X Server_ is responsible for maintaining
     obscured portions of the displayed page (see also the
     _useBackingPixmap_ resource).

     Print the version number of gv to standard output and exit.

`--help, --usage'
     Display a short help message and exit.

     N must be an integer or a positive float.  In case N  is an
     integer, N selects the scale entry N relative to the scale 1.0.
     With the special value of `-1000' Fit to page is selected, and
     likewise with the value of `-1001' Fit widthto page is selected.
     In case N is a float, N selects an arbitrary scale.

`--scalebase N'
     Selects the scale base N.

`--monochrome, --grayscale, --color'
     Sets the color palette to be used.

     Selects the paper size to be used. Valid values are names of paper
     sizes that appear in the list of page medias as given by the
     MEDIAS resource.

     Display the page with label LABEL first.

     Sets the orientation.  Valid values for ORIENTATION are `portrait',
     `landscape', `seascape' and `upsidedown'.

`--quiet, --noquiet'
     Whether to start ghostscript with the `-dQUIET' option.

`--resize, --noresize'
     Whether ghostscrip is allowed to automatically fit the size of its
     window to the size of the displayed page.

     When opening a file, use PASSWORD to decrypt it. This Option is
     usefull for viewing encrypted PDF files.

     Is actually a shortcut for `--fullscreen --noresize --scale=-1000

`--safer, --nosafer'
     Whether to start ghostscript in safer mode (that includes he
     `-dSAFER' option or the `-dDELAYSAFER' mode where appropriate) and
     the `-P-' option.

`--safedir, --nosafedir'
     Whether to start ghostscript from a safe direcotry or not.

     This is a shortcut for `--style=gv_spartan.dat'.

     Read and use additional resources from the file FILE.  These
     resources have  lower priority than those provided in the context
     of the `--ad' option.

`--swap, --noswap'
     Whether to interchange the meaning of the orientations landscape
     and seascape.

`--watch, --nowatch'
     The `--watch' option causes gv to check the document periodically.
     If changes are detected gv will automatically display the newer
     version of the file.  The document is by default checked once
     every second.  This can be changed via the _watchFileFrequency_
     resource.  Note that sending gv the *SIGHUP* signal also causes an
     update of the displayed document. This method may be used by
     document creators to trigger gv remotely.

     This is a shortcut for `--style=gv_widgetless.dat'.

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