(imaxima.info)Imath minor mode

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5 Imath minor mode

The imath minor mode provides a small set of functions to aid insert
math formulas into plain text.

A math formula is written using a Maxima form whose syntax is {maxima a
formula maxima} where a formula is a string which can be accepted as
Maxima command input.  C-c [ inserts a template for a maxima form.

The other way to write a math formula is to use LaTeX form whose syntax
is {latex a formula latex} where a formula is a valid LaTeX commands.
C-c ] inserts a template for a latex form.

Example maxima and latex forms are:
     {maxima integrate(f(x),x) maxima}
     {maxima sum(a[n],n,0,i) maxima}
     {latex  \\int {f\\left(x\\right)}{\\;dx} latex}
     {latex  \\sum_{n=0}^{i}{a_{n}} latex}

Assuming the cursor position is right after a form or in the middle, C-c
!  transforms the form into the formula image using the Imaxima

If the resulting image is not what you want, you may want to edit the
formula again.  To do this, place the cursor right after the image and
C-c &.  Then the image is removed and original form appears at the

When saving the buffer into a file, images are discarded.  However,
maxima forms and their correspoding latex forms are kept there in the
text.  If the text is loaded again into Emacs and imath minor mode is
enabled, you can type C-c $ to restore all the images for the forms in
the buffer.

     \C-c[   Compose Maxima form
     \C-c]   Compose Latex form
     \C-c!   Transform a form to an image
     \C-c$   Transform all forms to images
     \C-c&   Remove the image to restore the original form text

You can export the imath mode buffer contents into HTML using a command
named imath-to-html.  This command can be invoked by M-x imath-to-html.
Then a buffer is created, visiting a file whose name is the same as the
original imath text file, only exception being .html as the file
extension.  Upon saving, the file is placed in the same directory as the
original file.  Also a directory is created whose name is the same as
the imath text file, but removing the extension and add -images.  Images
for formulas are copied in this directory.

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