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1 Installation

Install imaxima by unpacking the tarball and doing the usual incantation

     make install

and put

     (autoload 'imaxima "imaxima" "Image support for Maxima." t)

in your '.emacs' file.

If you use Interactive Math minor mode, put

     (autoload 'imath-mode "imath" "Interactive Math minor mode." t)

in your '.emacs' file.

To do line breaking imaxima requires the LaTeX package 'breqn'.  This
package is officially distributed by Morten Høgholm from
<http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/mh> as mh.zip.

Alternatively, for the easy installation, you may download
<http://members3.jcom.home.ne.jp/imaxima/breqn097a.zip>.  Compared to
mh.zip, breqn097a.zip contains all the '*.sty' and '*.sym' files in it.

The files in 'breqn' must be installed in a place where TeX can find
them.  In a typical teTeX installation you should put the '*.sty' and
'*.sym' files in


and the documentation files in


The files can also be installed in a number of other places--consult
your TeX documentation for details.

Now run 'texhash' after installing the files.  You can use the command
'kpsewhich' to verify that TeX is able to find the files, e.g.

     kpsewhich breqn.sty

To get the best image quality a fairly recent version of Ghostscript is
recommended.  Note: Miscellaneous, for options suitable for using
older versions of Ghostscript or not using Ghostscript at all

1.1 Manual installation

If you cannot use 'make', the manual steps required for installation are

   * Byte compile 'imaxima.el' and 'imath.el'.
   * Place the files 'imaxima.el', 'imaxima.elc', 'imath.el',
     'imath.elc', 'imaxima-autoconf-variables.el' and 'imaxima.lisp' in
     Emacs' 'load-path' (Note: (emacs)Lisp Libraries).
   * Install the TeX files in the way explained above.

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