(jed.info)Installing JED

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Installing JED

   Building JED from its sources requires the use of a C compiler that
understands function prototypes.  JED has been successfully built with
`cc' on the ULTRIX, VMS, and IRIX operating systems.  In addition, it
has been created using `gcc' under SunOS and Borland's BCC 3.0 for the

   Detailed installation instructions are in separate, operating system
dependent files.  They are:

            UNIX:   install.unx
             VMS:   install.vms
           IBMPC:   install.pc

   When JED starts up, it will first try to load a site initialization
file called `site.sl'.  Site specific commands are placed here.  Most
likely, `site.sl' will define some functions, default hooks, etc...
What goes in it is left to the discretion of the user or system
manager. See the file `site.sl' for examples.

     If you intend to use characters with ASCII codes greater than 127,
     it is important to read the section on "Eight Bit Clean Issues" in
     order to install JED in an 8 bit clean manner.

   When loading `site.sl' as well as other `S-Lang' files (the user's
personal initialization file, `.jedrc' or `jed.rc', is a special case,
see below), JED searches all directories specified by the environment
variable `JED_LIBRARY', and if the file is not found, JED will look for
it in the default directory. The environment variable `JED_LIBRARY' is
a comma separated list of directories.  Here are some examples of
setting this variable for different systems:

            VMS:   define/job JED_LIBRARY  dev$lib:[jedfiles]
           UNIX:   setenv JED_LIBRARY '/usr/local/lib/jed,~/jed'
          IBMPC:   set JED_LIBRARY = c:\editors\jed\lib

You will probably want to put define `JED_LIBRARY' in your login
startup file, e.g., `autoexec.bat', `login.com', or `.cshrc'.

   JED versions 0.92 and later allow the value of `JED_LIBRARY' to be
specified at compile time an it may only be necessary to define
`JED_LIBRARY' as an environment variable to override its pre-compiled

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