(kpathsea.info)mktex scripts

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6.5 'mktex' scripts

If Kpathsea cannot otherwise find a file, for some file types it is
configured by default to invoke an external program to create it
dynamically (Note: mktex configuration).  These are collectively known
as "'mktex' scripts", since most of them are named 'mktex...'.

   For example, this is useful for fonts (bitmaps, TFM's, and
arbitrarily-sizable Metafont sources such as the Sauter and EC fonts),
since any given document can use fonts never before referenced.
Building all fonts in advance is therefore impractical, if not

   It is also useful for the TeX '.fmt' (and Metafont '.base' and
Metapost '.mem' files, Note: (Web2c)Memory dumps), where
pre-generating every format consumes a lot of both time and space.

   The script is passed the name of the file to create and possibly
other arguments, as explained below.  It must echo the full pathname of
the file it created (and nothing else) to standard output; it can write
diagnostics to standard error.

mktex configuration.
mktex script names.
mktex script arguments.

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