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5.5 Arrays

Maxima supports 3 array-like constructs:
   * If one tries to write to an indexed variable without creating a
     list first an undeclared array (also named hashed array) is created
     that grows dynamically and allows numbers, symbols and strings as
          (%i1) a["feww"]:1;
          (%o1)                           1
          (%i2) a[qqwdqwd]:3;
          (%o2)                           3
          (%i3) a[5]:99;
          (%o3)                          99
          (%i4) a[qqwdqwd];
          (%o4)                           3
          (%i5) a[5];
          (%o5)                          99
          (%i6) a["feww"];
          (%o6)                           1
     Since lisp handles hashed arrays and 'memoizing functions' similar
     to arrays many of the functions that can be applied to arrays can
     be applied to them, as well.
   * Lists (see 'makelist' allow for fast addition and removal of
     elements, can be created without knowing their final size.
   * Declared arrays that allow fast access to random elements at the
     cost that their size needs to be known at construction time.
     (Note: Performance considerations for Lists)

Functions and Variables for Arrays

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