(maxima.info)Functions and Variables for drawdf

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54.2 Functions and Variables for drawdf

54.2.1 Functions

 -- Function: drawdf
          drawdf (<dydx>, ...options and objects...)
          drawdf (<dvdu>, [<u>,<v>], ...options and objects...)
          drawdf (<dvdu>, [<u>,<umin>,<umax>], [<v>,<vmin>,<vmax>],
          ...options and objects...)
          drawdf ([<dxdt>,<dydt>], ...options and objects...)
          drawdf ([<dudt>,<dvdt>], [<u>,<v>], ...options and objects...)

          drawdf ([<dudt>,<dvdt>], [<u>,<umin>,<umax>],
          [<v>,<vmin>,<vmax>], ...options and objects...)

     Function 'drawdf' draws a 2D direction field with optional solution
     curves and other graphics using the 'draw' package.

     The first argument specifies the derivative(s), and must be either
     an expression or a list of two expressions.  <dydx>, <dxdt> and
     <dydt> are expressions that depend on <x> and <y>.  <dvdu>, <dudt>
     and <dvdt> are expressions that depend on <u> and <v>.

     If the independent and dependent variables are not <x> and <y>,
     then their names must be specified immediately following the
     derivative(s), either as a list of two names '['<u>,<v>']', or as
     two lists of the form '['<u>,<umin>,<umax>']' and

     The remaining arguments are graphic options, graphic objects, or
     lists containing graphic options and objects, nested to arbitrary
     depth.  The set of graphic options and objects supported by
     'drawdf' is a superset of those supported by 'draw2d' and 'gr2d'
     from the 'draw' package.

     The arguments are interpreted sequentially: graphic options affect
     all following graphic objects.  Furthermore, graphic objects are
     drawn on the canvas in order specified, and may obscure graphics
     drawn earlier.  Some graphic options affect the global appearance
     of the scene.

     The additional graphic objects supported by 'drawdf' include:
     'solns_at', 'points_at', 'saddles_at', 'soln_at', 'point_at', and

     The additional graphic options supported by 'drawdf' include:
     'field_degree', 'soln_arrows', 'field_arrows', 'field_grid',
     'field_color', 'show_field', 'tstep', 'nsteps', 'duration',
     'direction', 'field_tstep', 'field_nsteps', and 'field_duration'.

     Commonly used graphic objects inherited from the 'draw' package
     include: 'explicit', 'implicit', 'parametric', 'polygon', 'points',
     'vector', 'label', and all others supported by 'draw2d' and 'gr2d'.

     Commonly used graphic options inherited from the 'draw' package
     'points_joined', 'color', 'point_type', 'point_size', 'line_width',
     'line_type', 'key', 'title', 'xlabel', 'ylabel', 'user_preamble',
     'terminal', 'dimensions', 'file_name', and all others supported by
     'draw2d' and 'gr2d'.

     See also 'draw2d'.

     Users of wxMaxima or Imaxima may optionally use 'wxdrawdf', which
     is identical to 'drawdf' except that the graphics are drawn within
     the notebook using 'wxdraw'.

     To make use of this function, write first 'load("drawdf")'.


          (%i1) load("drawdf")$
          (%i2) drawdf(exp(-x)+y)$        /* default vars: x,y */
          (%i3) drawdf(exp(-t)+y, [t,y])$ /* default range: [-10,10] */
          (%i4) drawdf([y,-9*sin(x)-y/5], [x,1,5], [y,-2,2])$

     For backward compatibility, 'drawdf' accepts most of the parameters
     supported by plotdf.

          (%i5) drawdf(2*cos(t)-1+y, [t,y], [t,-5,10], [y,-4,9],

     'soln_at' and 'solns_at' draw solution curves passing through the
     specified points, using a slightly enhanced 4th-order Runge Kutta
     numerical integrator.

          (%i6) drawdf(2*cos(t)-1+y, [t,-5,10], [y,-4,9],
                       color=blue, soln_at(0,0))$

     'field_degree=2' causes the field to be composed of quadratic
     splines, based on the first and second derivatives at each grid
     point.  'field_grid=['<COLS>,<ROWS>']' specifies the number of
     columns and rows in the grid.

          (%i7) drawdf(2*cos(t)-1+y, [t,-5,10], [y,-4,9],
                       field_degree=2, field_grid=[20,15],
                       color=blue, soln_at(0,0))$

     'soln_arrows=true' adds arrows to the solution curves, and (by
     default) removes them from the direction field.  It also changes
     the default colors to emphasize the solution curves.

          (%i8) drawdf(2*cos(t)-1+y, [t,-5,10], [y,-4,9],

     'duration=40' specifies the time duration of numerical integration
     (default 10).  Integration will also stop automatically if the
     solution moves too far away from the plotted region, or if the
     derivative becomes complex or infinite.  Here we also specify
     'field_degree=2' to plot quadratic splines.  The equations below
     model a predator-prey system.

          (%i9) drawdf([x*(1-x-y), y*(3/4-y-x/2)], [x,0,1.1], [y,0,1],
                       field_degree=2, duration=40,
                       soln_arrows=true, point_at(1/2,1/2),
                       solns_at([0.1,0.2], [0.2,0.1], [1,0.8], [0.8,1],
                                [0.1,0.1], [0.6,0.05], [0.05,0.4],
                                [1,0.01], [0.01,0.75]))$

     'field_degree='solns' causes the field to be composed of many small
     solution curves computed by 4th-order Runge Kutta, with better
     results in this case.

          (%i10) drawdf([x*(1-x-y), y*(3/4-y-x/2)], [x,0,1.1], [y,0,1],
                        field_degree='solns, duration=40,
                        soln_arrows=true, point_at(1/2,1/2),
                        solns_at([0.1,0.2], [0.2,0.1], [1,0.8],
                                 [0.8,1], [0.1,0.1], [0.6,0.05],
                                 [0.05,0.4], [1,0.01], [0.01,0.75]))$

     'saddles_at' attempts to automatically linearize the equation at
     each saddle, and to plot a numerical solution corresponding to each
     eigenvector, including the separatrices.  'tstep=0.05' specifies
     the maximum time step for the numerical integrator (the default is
     0.1).  Note that smaller time steps will sometimes be used in order
     to keep the x and y steps small.  The equations below model a
     damped pendulum.

          (%i11) drawdf([y,-9*sin(x)-y/5], tstep=0.05,
                        soln_arrows=true, point_size=0.5,
                        points_at([0,0], [2*%pi,0], [-2*%pi,0]),
                        saddles_at([%pi,0], [-%pi,0]))$

     'show_field=false' suppresses the field entirely.

          (%i12) drawdf([y,-9*sin(x)-y/5], tstep=0.05,
                        show_field=false, soln_arrows=true,
                        points_at([0,0], [2*%pi,0], [-2*%pi,0]),
                        saddles_at([3*%pi,0], [-3*%pi,0],
                                   [%pi,0], [-%pi,0]))$

     'drawdf' passes all unrecognized parameters to 'draw2d' or 'gr2d',
     allowing you to combine the full power of the 'draw' package with

          (%i13) drawdf(x^2+y^2, [x,-2,2], [y,-2,2], field_color=gray,
                        key="soln 1", color=black, soln_at(0,0),
                        key="soln 2", color=red, soln_at(0,1),
                        key="isocline", color=green, line_width=2,
                        nticks=100, parametric(cos(t),sin(t),t,0,2*%pi))$

     'drawdf' accepts nested lists of graphic options and objects,
     allowing convenient use of makelist and other function calls to
     generate graphics.

          (%i14) colors : ['red,'blue,'purple,'orange,'green]$
          (%i15) drawdf([x-x*y/2, (x*y - 3*y)/4],
                        [x,2.5,3.5], [y,1.5,2.5],
                        field_color = gray,
                        makelist([ key   = concat("soln",k),
                                   color = colors[k],
                                   soln_at(3, 2 + k/20) ],

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