(maxima.info)Introduction to graphs

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62.1 Introduction to graphs

The 'graphs' package provides graph and digraph data structure for
Maxima.  Graphs and digraphs are simple (have no multiple edges nor
loops), although digraphs can have a directed edge from <u> to <v> and a
directed edge from <v> to <u>.

   Internally graphs are represented by adjacency lists and implemented
as a lisp structures.  Vertices are identified by their ids (an id is an
integer).  Edges/arcs are represented by lists of length 2.  Labels can
be assigned to vertices of graphs/digraphs and weights can be assigned
to edges/arcs of graphs/digraphs.

   There is a 'draw_graph' function for drawing graphs.  Graphs are
drawn using a force based vertex positioning algorithm.  'draw_graph'
can also use graphviz programs available from <http://www.graphviz.org>.
'draw_graph' is based on the maxima 'draw' package.

   To use the 'graphs' package, first load it with 'load("graphs")'.

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