(maxima.info)Introduction to physical_constants

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57.2 Introduction to physical_constants

'physical_constants' is a collection of physical constants, copied from
CODATA 2006 recommended values (<http://physics.nist.gov/constants>).
'load ("physical_constants")' loads this package, and loads 'ezunits'
also, if it is not already loaded.

   A physical constant is represented as a symbol which has a property
which is the constant value.  The constant value is a dimensional
quantity, as represented by 'ezunits'.  The function 'constvalue'
fetches the constant value; the constant value is not the ordinary value
of the symbol, so symbols of physical constants persist in evaluated
expressions until their values are fetched by 'constvalue'.

   'physical_constants' includes some auxiliary information, namely, a
description string for each constant, an estimate of the error of its
numerical value, and a property for TeX display.  To identify physical
constants, each symbol has the 'physical_constant' property;
'propvars(physical_constant)' therefore shows the list of all such

   'physical_constants' comprises the following constants.

     speed of light in vacuum
     magnetic constant
     electric constant
     characteristic impedance of vacuum
     Newtonian constant of gravitation
     Planck constant
     Planck constant
     Planck mass
     Planck temperature
     Planck length
     Planck time
     elementary charge
     magnetic flux quantum
     conductance quantum
     Josephson constant
     von Klitzing constant
     Bohr magneton
     nuclear magneton
     fine-structure constant
     Rydberg constant
     Bohr radius
     Hartree energy
     quantum of circulation
     electron mass
     Avogadro constant
     atomic mass constant
     Faraday constant
     molar gas constant
     Boltzmann constant
     molar volume of ideal gas
     Loschmidt constant
     Sackur-Tetrode constant (absolute entropy constant)
     Stefan-Boltzmann constant
     first radiation constant
     first radiation constant for spectral radiance
     second radiation constant
     Wien displacement law constant
     Wien displacement law constant

   Reference: <http://physics.nist.gov/constants>


   The list of all symbols which have the 'physical_constant' property.

     (%i1) load ("physical_constants")$
     (%i2) propvars (physical_constant);
     (%o2) [%c, %mu_0, %e_0, %Z_0, %G, %h, %h_bar, %m_P, %T_P, %l_P,
     %t_P, %%e, %Phi_0, %G_0, %K_J, %R_K, %mu_B, %mu_N, %alpha,
     %R_inf, %a_0, %E_h, %ratio_h_me, %m_e, %N_A, %m_u, %F, %R, %%k,
     %V_m, %n_0, %ratio_S0_R, %sigma, %c_1, %c_1L, %c_2, %b, %b_prime]

   Properties of the physical constant '%c'.

     (%i1) load ("physical_constants")$
     (%i2) constantp (%c);
     (%o2)                         true
     (%i3) get (%c, description);
     (%o3)               speed of light in vacuum
     (%i4) constvalue (%c);
     (%o4)                     299792458 ` -
     (%i5) get (%c, RSU);
     (%o5)                           0
     (%i6) tex (%c);
     (%o6)                         false

   The energy equivalent of 1 pound-mass.  The symbol '%c' persists
until its value is fetched by 'constvalue'.

     (%i1) load ("physical_constants")$
     (%i2) m * %c^2;
     (%o2)                         %c  m
     (%i3) %, m = 1 ` lbm;
     (%o3)                       %c  ` lbm
     (%i4) constvalue (%);
                                            lbm m
     (%o4)              89875517873681764 ` ------
     (%i5) E : % `` J;
     Computing conversions to base units; may take a moment.
     (%o5)                ------------------ ` J
     (%i6) E `` GJ;
     (%o6)                 --------------- ` GJ
     (%i7) float (%);
     (%o7)              4.0759872051556356e+7 ` GJ

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