(maxima.info)Package scifac

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81.7 Package scifac

 -- Function: gcfac (<expr>)
     'gcfac' is a factoring function that attempts to apply the same
     heuristics which scientists apply in trying to make expressions
     simpler.  'gcfac' is limited to monomial-type factoring.  For a
     sum, 'gcfac' does the following:

       1. Factors over the integers.
       2. Factors out the largest powers of terms occurring as
          coefficients, regardless of the complexity of the terms.
       3. Uses (1) and (2) in factoring adjacent pairs of terms.
       4. Repeatedly and recursively applies these techniques until the
          expression no longer changes.

     Item (3) does not necessarily do an optimal job of pairwise
     factoring because of the combinatorially-difficult nature of
     finding which of all possible rearrangements of the pairs yields
     the most compact pair-factored result.

     'load ("scifac")' loads this function.  'demo ("scifac")' shows a
     demonstration of this function.

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