(menu.info)Section 3.7

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3.7 The 'icon' field

Please make sure the icons you specify are always available on the
system.  So, if you want to have an icon with your menu entry, the
preferred method is to supply the icon with that package.  Icons should
generally be installed in the directory '/usr/share/pixmaps'.

Debian package maintainers should ensure that any icons they include for
use in the Debian menus conform to the following points:

  1. The icons should be in xpm format.

  2. The icons may not be larger than 32x32 pixels, although smaller
     sizes are ok.

  3. The background area of the icon should be transparent, if possible.

You can provide both 16x16 and 32x32 pixels icons using the variables
icon16x16 and icon32x32 so that the user can configure menu to use one
or the other.

If you, as a system administrator, don't like the icons in the menus,
simply change the 'icon()' function from the file
'/etc/menu-methods/menu.h', and run 'update-menus'.

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