(menu.info)Section 7.2

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7.2 The install-menu program

The files '/etc/menu-methods/$wm' are executable config files that start
with the line


and thus start that program, handing it the configuration file for the
specific window manager in the first command line argument.  This
configuration consists of:

  1. the compatibility mode ("menu-1" or "menu-2").

  2. where the various files should be stored/read.

  3. what "needs" are supported, and what wrapper files should be used
     for each "type".

  4. how to remove the generated menu files.

See '/usr/share/doc/menu/examples/' of the menu package for more

Options to 'install-menu':

       --remove  Remove the menu files instead of generating them.
       --verbose Output outline of operations that are performed.

Some window managers don't support an 'include'-like statement in their
'system.*rc' files (like 'm4' or 'cpp' preprocessing); they cannot read
the 'menudefs.hook' file generated by install-menu from their
'system.*rc' config file.  To still be able to use them, 'install-menu'
will copy the file '$path/$examplercfile' to '$path/$rcfile' (with
'$examplercfile' and '$rcfile' defined in the 'install-menu' config
file, and '$path' either the '$rootprefix' or '${HOME}/$userprefix',
depending on whether root or user executed the file.), and replace all
occurrences of "install-menu-defs" with the '$genmenu' file it just

As an example, consider the following:
'examplercfile=system.foo-wm-example', 'rcfile=system.foo-wm',
'genmenu=menudefs.hook' and 'rootprefix=/var/lib/foo-wm/menu'.  Now, if
'install-menu' gets run, it will first generate the file
'/var/lib/foo-wm/menu/menudefs.hook'.  Next, it will line-by-line read
the file '/var/lib/foo-wm/menu/system.foo-wm-example' and copy its
contents to '/var/lib/foo-wm/menu/system.foo-wm', replacing every
occurrence of the string 'install-menu-defs' with the contents of the
file '/var/lib/foo-wm/menu/menudefs.hook'.

To activate the file copying in this way, simply define the
'$examplercfile' and '$rcfile' variables in the 'install-menu'
configuration file (for example, see '/etc/menu-methods/fvwm'), and make
sure there is a '$path/$examplercfile' ('$path' being either
'$rootprefix', or '$userprefix'.)

If you are writing a menu method, you can use the following to make
debugging it somewhat more easily:

  1. use 'update-menus --stdout > /tmp/menu-stdin' to create a list of
     menu entries in '/tmp/menu-stdin' and then

  2. you can run just your menu-method with (if it's called wm):

            ./wm -v < /tmp/menu-stdin

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