(octave.info)Functions of Multiple Variables

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23.3 Functions of Multiple Variables

Octave includes several functions for computing the integral of
functions of multiple variables.  This procedure can generally be
performed by creating a function that integrates f with respect to x,
and then integrates that function with respect to y.  This procedure can
be performed manually using the following example which integrates the

     f(x, y) = sin(pi*x*y) * sqrt(x*y)

   for x and y between 0 and 1.

   Using ‘quadgk’ in the example below, a double integration can be
performed.  (Note that any of the 1-D quadrature functions can be used
in this fashion except for ‘quad’ since it is written in Fortran and
cannot be called recursively.)

     function q = g(y)
       q = ones (size (y));
       for i = 1:length (y)
         f = @(x) sin (pi*x.*y(i)) .* sqrt (x.*y(i));
         q(i) = quadgk (f, 0, 1);

     I = quadgk ("g", 0, 1)
           ⇒ 0.30022

   The algorithm above is implemented in the function ‘dblquad’ for
integrals over two variables.  The 3-D equivalent of this process is
implemented in ‘triplequad’ for integrals over three variables.  As an
example, the result above can be replicated with a call to ‘dblquad’ as
shown below.

     I = dblquad (@(x, y) sin (pi*x.*y) .* sqrt (x.*y), 0, 1, 0, 1)
           ⇒ 0.30022

 -- : dblquad (F, XA, XB, YA, YB)
 -- : dblquad (F, XA, XB, YA, YB, TOL)
 -- : dblquad (F, XA, XB, YA, YB, TOL, QUADF)
 -- : dblquad (F, XA, XB, YA, YB, TOL, QUADF, ...)
     Numerically evaluate the double integral of F.

     F is a function handle, inline function, or string containing the
     name of the function to evaluate.  The function F must have the
     form z = f(x,y) where X is a vector and Y is a scalar.  It should
     return a vector of the same length and orientation as X.

     XA, YA and XB, YB are the lower and upper limits of integration for
     x and y respectively.  The underlying integrator determines whether
     infinite bounds are accepted.

     The optional argument TOL defines the absolute tolerance used to
     integrate each sub-integral.  The default value is 1e-6.

     The optional argument QUADF specifies which underlying integrator
     function to use.  Any choice but ‘quad’ is available and the
     default is ‘quadcc’.

     Additional arguments, are passed directly to F.  To use the default
     value for TOL or QUADF one may pass ’:’ or an empty matrix ([]).

     See also: Note: integral2, *note integral3:
     XREFintegral3, Note: triplequad, *note quad:
     XREFquad, Note: quadv, Note: quadl, Note:
     quadgk, Note: quadcc, *note trapz:

 -- : triplequad (F, XA, XB, YA, YB, ZA, ZB)
 -- : triplequad (F, XA, XB, YA, YB, ZA, ZB, TOL)
 -- : triplequad (F, XA, XB, YA, YB, ZA, ZB, TOL, QUADF)
 -- : triplequad (F, XA, XB, YA, YB, ZA, ZB, TOL, QUADF, ...)
     Numerically evaluate the triple integral of F.

     F is a function handle, inline function, or string containing the
     name of the function to evaluate.  The function F must have the
     form w = f(x,y,z) where either X or Y is a vector and the remaining
     inputs are scalars.  It should return a vector of the same length
     and orientation as X or Y.

     XA, YA, ZA and XB, YB, ZB are the lower and upper limits of
     integration for x, y, and z respectively.  The underlying
     integrator determines whether infinite bounds are accepted.

     The optional argument TOL defines the absolute tolerance used to
     integrate each sub-integral.  The default value is 1e-6.

     The optional argument QUADF specifies which underlying integrator
     function to use.  Any choice but ‘quad’ is available and the
     default is ‘quadcc’.

     Additional arguments, are passed directly to F.  To use the default
     value for TOL or QUADF one may pass ’:’ or an empty matrix ([]).

     See also: Note: integral3, *note integral2:
     XREFintegral2, Note: dblquad, Note: quad,
     Note: quadv, Note: quadl, *note quadgk:
     XREFquadgk, Note: quadcc, Note: trapz.

   The recursive algorithm for quadrature presented above is referred to
as "iterated".  A separate 2-D integration method is implemented in the
function ‘quad2d’.  This function performs a "tiled" integration by
subdividing the integration domain into rectangular regions and
performing separate integrations over those domains.  The domains are
further subdivided in areas requiring refinement to reach the desired
numerical accuracy.  For certain functions this method can be faster
than the 2-D iteration used in the other functions above.

 -- : Q = quad2d (F, XA, XB, YA, YB)
 -- : Q = quad2d (F, XA, XB, YA, YB, PROP, VAL, ...)
 -- : [Q, ERR, ITER] = quad2d (...)

     Numerically evaluate the two-dimensional integral of F using
     adaptive quadrature over the two-dimensional domain defined by XA,
     XB, YA, YB using tiled integration.  Additionally, YA and YB may be
     scalar functions of X, allowing for the integration over
     non-rectangular domains.

     F is a function handle, inline function, or string containing the
     name of the function to evaluate.  The function F must be of the
     form z = f(x,y) where X is a vector and Y is a scalar.  It should
     return a vector of the same length and orientation as X.

     Additional optional parameters can be specified using "PROPERTY",
     VALUE pairs.  Valid properties are:

          Define the absolute error tolerance for the quadrature.  The
          default value is 1e-10 (1e-5 for single).

          Define the relative error tolerance for the quadrature.  The
          default value is 1e-6 (1e-4 for single).

          The maximum number of function calls to the vectorized
          function F.  The default value is 5000.

          Enable/disable transforms to weaken singularities on the edge
          of the integration domain.  The default value is TRUE.

          Option to disable vectorized integration, forcing Octave to
          use only scalar inputs when calling the integrand.  The
          default value is FALSE.

          If ‘quad2d’ fails to converge to the desired error tolerance
          before MaxFunEvals is reached, a plot of the areas that still
          need refinement is created.  The default value is FALSE.

     Adaptive quadrature is used to minimize the estimate of error until
     the following is satisfied:

                  ERROR <= max (ABSTOL, RELTOL*|Q|)

     The optional output ERR is an approximate bound on the error in the
     integral ‘abs (Q - I)’, where I is the exact value of the integral.
     The optional output ITER is the number of vectorized function calls
     to the function F that were used.

     Example 1 : integrate a rectangular region in x-y plane

          F = @(X,Y) 2*ones (size (X));
          Q = quad2d (F, 0, 1, 0, 1)
            ⇒ Q =  2

     The result is a volume, which for this constant-value integrand, is
     just ‘LENGTH * WIDTH * HEIGHT’.

     Example 2 : integrate a triangular region in x-y plane

          F = @(X,Y) 2*ones (size (X));
          YMAX = @(X) 1 - X;
          Q = quad2d (F, 0, 1, 0, YMAX)
            ⇒ Q =  1

     The result is a volume, which for this constant-value integrand, is
     the Triangle Area x Height or ‘1/2 * BASE * WIDTH * HEIGHT’.

     Programming Notes: If there are singularities within the
     integration region it is best to split the integral and place the
     singularities on the boundary.

     Known MATLAB incompatibility: If tolerances are left unspecified,
     and any integration limits are of type ‘single’, then Octave’s
     integral functions automatically reduce the default absolute and
     relative error tolerances as specified above.  If tighter
     tolerances are desired they must be specified.  MATLAB leaves the
     tighter tolerances appropriate for ‘double’ inputs in place
     regardless of the class of the integration limits.

     Reference: L.F. Shampine, ‘MATLAB program for quadrature in 2D’,
     Applied Mathematics and Computation, pp.  266–274, Vol 1, 2008.

     See also: Note: integral2, *note dblquad:
     XREFdblquad, Note: integral, Note: quad,
     Note: quadgk, Note: quadv, *note quadl:
     XREFquadl, Note: quadcc, Note: trapz, Note:
     integral3, Note: triplequad.

   Finally, the functions ‘integral2’ and ‘integral3’ are provided as
general 2-D and 3-D integration functions.  They will auto-select
between iterated and tiled integration methods and, unlike ‘dblquad’ and
‘triplequad’, will work with non-rectangular integration domains.

 -- : Q = integral2 (F, XA, XB, YA, YB)
 -- : Q = integral2 (F, XA, XB, YA, YB, PROP, VAL, ...)
 -- : [Q, ERR] = integral2 (...)

     Numerically evaluate the two-dimensional integral of F using
     adaptive quadrature over the two-dimensional domain defined by XA,
     XB, YA, YB (scalars may be finite or infinite).  Additionally, YA
     and YB may be scalar functions of X, allowing for integration over
     non-rectangular domains.

     F is a function handle, inline function, or string containing the
     name of the function to evaluate.  The function F must be of the
     form z = f(x,y) where X is a vector and Y is a scalar.  It should
     return a vector of the same length and orientation as X.

     Additional optional parameters can be specified using "PROPERTY",
     VALUE pairs.  Valid properties are:

          Define the absolute error tolerance for the quadrature.  The
          default value is 1e-10 (1e-5 for single).

          Define the relative error tolerance for the quadrature.  The
          default value is 1e-6 (1e-4 for single).

          Specify the two-dimensional integration method to be used,
          with valid options being "auto" (default), "tiled", or
          "iterated".  When using "auto", Octave will choose the "tiled"
          method unless any of the integration limits are infinite.

          Enable or disable vectorized integration.  A value of ‘false’
          forces Octave to use only scalar inputs when calling the
          integrand, which enables integrands f(x,y) that have not been
          vectorized and only accept X and Y as scalars to be used.  The
          default value is ‘true’.

     Adaptive quadrature is used to minimize the estimate of error until
     the following is satisfied:

                  ERROR <= max (ABSTOL, RELTOL*|Q|)

     ERR is an approximate bound on the error in the integral ‘abs (Q -
     I)’, where I is the exact value of the integral.

     Example 1 : integrate a rectangular region in x-y plane

          F = @(X,Y) 2*ones (size (X));
          Q = integral2 (F, 0, 1, 0, 1)
            ⇒ Q =  2

     The result is a volume, which for this constant-value integrand, is
     just ‘LENGTH * WIDTH * HEIGHT’.

     Example 2 : integrate a triangular region in x-y plane

          F = @(X,Y) 2*ones (size (X));
          YMAX = @(X) 1 - X;
          Q = integral2 (F, 0, 1, 0, YMAX)
            ⇒ Q =  1

     The result is a volume, which for this constant-value integrand, is
     the Triangle Area x Height or ‘1/2 * BASE * WIDTH * HEIGHT’.

     Programming Notes: If there are singularities within the
     integration region it is best to split the integral and place the
     singularities on the boundary.

     Known MATLAB incompatibility: If tolerances are left unspecified,
     and any integration limits are of type ‘single’, then Octave’s
     integral functions automatically reduce the default absolute and
     relative error tolerances as specified above.  If tighter
     tolerances are desired they must be specified.  MATLAB leaves the
     tighter tolerances appropriate for ‘double’ inputs in place
     regardless of the class of the integration limits.

     Reference: L.F. Shampine, ‘MATLAB program for quadrature in 2D’,
     Applied Mathematics and Computation, pp.  266–274, Vol 1, 2008.

     See also: Note: quad2d, Note: dblquad,
     Note: integral, Note: quad, *note quadgk:
     XREFquadgk, Note: quadv, Note: quadl, Note:
     quadcc, Note: trapz, *note integral3:
     XREFintegral3, Note: triplequad.

 -- : Q = integral3 (F, XA, XB, YA, YB, ZA, ZB)
 -- : Q = integral3 (F, XA, XB, YA, YB, ZA, ZB, PROP, VAL, ...)

     Numerically evaluate the three-dimensional integral of F using
     adaptive quadrature over the three-dimensional domain defined by
     XA, XB, YA, YB, ZA, ZB (scalars may be finite or infinite).
     Additionally, YA and YB may be scalar functions of X and ZA, and ZB
     maybe be scalar functions of X and Y, allowing for integration over
     non-rectangular domains.

     F is a function handle, inline function, or string containing the
     name of the function to evaluate.  The function F must be of the
     form z = f(x,y) where X is a vector and Y is a scalar.  It should
     return a vector of the same length and orientation as X.

     Additional optional parameters can be specified using "PROPERTY",
     VALUE pairs.  Valid properties are:

          Define the absolute error tolerance for the quadrature.  The
          default value is 1e-10 (1e-5 for single).

          Define the relative error tolerance for the quadrature.  The
          default value is 1e-6 (1e-4 for single).

          Specify the two-dimensional integration method to be used,
          with valid options being "auto" (default), "tiled", or
          "iterated".  When using "auto", Octave will choose the "tiled"
          method unless any of the integration limits are infinite.

          Enable or disable vectorized integration.  A value of ‘false’
          forces Octave to use only scalar inputs when calling the
          integrand, which enables integrands f(x,y) that have not been
          vectorized and only accept X and Y as scalars to be used.  The
          default value is ‘true’.

     Adaptive quadrature is used to minimize the estimate of error until
     the following is satisfied:

                  ERROR <= max (ABSTOL, RELTOL*|Q|)

     ERR is an approximate bound on the error in the integral ‘abs (Q -
     I)’, where I is the exact value of the integral.

     Example 1 : integrate over a rectangular volume

          F = @(X,Y,Z) ones (size (X));
          Q = integral3 (F, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)
            ⇒ Q =  1

     For this constant-value integrand, the result is a volume which is
     just ‘LENGTH * WIDTH * HEIGHT’.

     Example 2 : integrate over a spherical volume

          F = @(X,Y) ones (size (X));
          YMAX = @(X) sqrt (1 - X.^2);
          ZMAX = @(X) sqrt (1 - X.^2 - Y.^2);
          Q = integral3 (F, 0, 1, 0, YMAX)
            ⇒ Q =  0.52360

     For this constant-value integrand, the result is a volume which is
     1/8th of a unit sphere or ‘1/8 * 4/3 * pi’.

     Programming Notes: If there are singularities within the
     integration region it is best to split the integral and place the
     singularities on the boundary.

     Known MATLAB incompatibility: If tolerances are left unspecified,
     and any integration limits are of type ‘single’, then Octave’s
     integral functions automatically reduce the default absolute and
     relative error tolerances as specified above.  If tighter
     tolerances are desired they must be specified.  MATLAB leaves the
     tighter tolerances appropriate for ‘double’ inputs in place
     regardless of the class of the integration limits.

     Reference: L.F. Shampine, ‘MATLAB program for quadrature in 2D’,
     Applied Mathematics and Computation, pp.  266–274, Vol 1, 2008.

     See also: Note: triplequad, *note integral:
     XREFintegral, Note: quad, Note: quadgk, Note:
     quadv, Note: quadl, Note: quadcc,
     Note: trapz, Note: integral2, Note:
     quad2d, Note: dblquad.

   The above integrations can be fairly slow, and that problem increases
exponentially with the dimensionality of the integral.  Another possible
solution for 2-D integration is to use Orthogonal Collocation as
described in the previous section (Note: Orthogonal Collocation).  The
integral of a function f(x,y) for x and y between 0 and 1 can be
approximated using n points by the sum over ‘i=1:n’ and ‘j=1:n’ of
‘q(i)*q(j)*f(r(i),r(j))’, where q and r is as returned by ‘colloc (n)’.
The generalization to more than two variables is straight forward.  The
following code computes the studied integral using n=8 points.

     f = @(x,y) sin (pi*x*y') .* sqrt (x*y');
     n = 8;
     [t, ~, ~, q] = colloc (n);
     I = q'*f(t,t)*q;
           ⇒ 0.30022

It should be noted that the number of points determines the quality of
the approximation.  If the integration needs to be performed between a
and b, instead of 0 and 1, then a change of variables is needed.

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