(octave.info)Image Processing

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32 Image Processing

Since an image is basically a matrix, Octave is a very powerful
environment for processing and analyzing images.  To illustrate how easy
it is to do image processing in Octave, the following example will load
an image, smooth it by a 5-by-5 averaging filter, and compute the
gradient of the smoothed image.

     I = imread ("myimage.jpg");
     S = conv2 (I, ones (5, 5) / 25, "same");
     [Dx, Dy] = gradient (S);

In this example ‘S’ contains the smoothed image, and ‘Dx’ and ‘Dy’
contains the partial spatial derivatives of the image.

Loading and Saving Images
Displaying Images
Representing Images
Plotting on top of Images
Color Conversion

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