(octave.info)Manipulation of Plot Windows

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15.2.7 Manipulation of Plot Windows

By default, Octave refreshes the plot window when a prompt is printed,
or when waiting for input.  The ‘drawnow’ function is used to cause a
plot window to be updated.

 -- : drawnow ()
 -- : drawnow ("expose")
 -- : drawnow (TERM, FILE, DEBUG_FILE)
     Update figure windows and their children.

     The event queue is flushed and any callbacks generated are

     With the optional argument "expose", only graphic objects are
     updated and no other events or callbacks are processed.

     The third calling form of ‘drawnow’ is for debugging and is

     See also: Note: refresh.

   Only figures that are modified will be updated.  The ‘refresh’
function can also be used to cause an update of the current figure, even
if it is not modified.

 -- : refresh ()
 -- : refresh (H)
     Refresh a figure, forcing it to be redrawn.

     When called without an argument the current figure is redrawn.
     Otherwise, the figure with graphic handle H is redrawn.

     See also: Note: drawnow.

   Normally, high-level plot functions like ‘plot’ or ‘mesh’ call
‘newplot’ to initialize the state of the current axes so that the next
plot is drawn in a blank window with default property settings.  To have
two plots superimposed over one another, use the ‘hold’ function.  For

     hold on;
     x = -10:0.1:10;
     plot (x, sin (x));
     plot (x, cos (x));
     hold off;

displays sine and cosine waves on the same axes.  If the hold state is
off, consecutive plotting commands like this will only display the last

 -- : newplot ()
 -- : newplot (HFIG)
 -- : newplot (HAX)
 -- : HAX = newplot (...)
     Prepare graphics engine to produce a new plot.

     This function is called at the beginning of all high-level plotting
     functions.  It is not normally required in user programs.
     ‘newplot’ queries the "NextPlot" field of the current figure and
     axes to determine what to do.

     Figure NextPlot    Action
     "new"              Create a new figure and make it the current figure.
     "add" (default)    Add new graphic objects to the current figure.
     "replacechildren"  Delete child objects whose HandleVisibility is set
                        to "on".  Set NextPlot property to "add".  This
                        typically clears a figure, but leaves in place
                        hidden objects such as menubars.  This is equivalent
                        to ‘clf’.
     "replace"          Delete all child objects of the figure and reset all
                        figure properties to their defaults.  However, the
                        following four properties are not reset: Position,
                        Units, PaperPosition, PaperUnits.  This is
                        equivalent to ‘clf reset’.

     Axes NextPlot      Action
     "add"              Add new graphic objects to the current axes.  This
                        is equivalent to ‘hold on’.
     "replacechildren"  Delete child objects whose HandleVisibility is set
                        to "on", but leave axes properties unmodified.  This
                        typically clears a plot, but preserves special
                        settings such as log scaling for axes.  This is
                        equivalent to ‘cla’.
     "replace"          Delete all child objects of the axes and reset all
     (default)          axes properties to their defaults.  However, the
                        following properties are not reset: Position, Units.
                        This is equivalent to ‘cla reset’.

     If the optional input HFIG or HAX is given then prepare the
     specified figure or axes rather than the current figure and axes.

     The optional return value HAX is a graphics handle to the created
     axes object (not figure).

     *Caution:* Calling ‘newplot’ may change the current figure and
     current axes.

 -- : hold
 -- : hold on
 -- : hold off
 -- : hold (HAX, ...)
     Toggle or set the "hold" state of the plotting engine which
     determines whether new graphic objects are added to the plot or
     replace the existing objects.

     ‘hold on’
          Retain plot data and settings so that subsequent plot commands
          are displayed on a single graph.  Line color and line style
          are advanced for each new plot added.

     ‘hold all (deprecated)’
          Equivalent to ‘hold on’.

     ‘hold off’
          Restore default graphics settings which clear the graph and
          reset axes properties before each new plot command.

          Toggle the current hold state.

     When given the additional argument HAX, the hold state is modified
     for this axes rather than the current axes returned by ‘gca’.

     To query the current hold state use the ‘ishold’ function.

     See also: Note: ishold, Note: cla, *note clf:
     XREFclf, Note: newplot.

 -- : ishold
 -- : ishold (HAX)
 -- : ishold (HFIG)
     Return true if the next plot will be added to the current plot, or
     false if the plot device will be cleared before drawing the next

     If the first argument is an axes handle HAX or figure handle HFIG
     then operate on this plot rather than the current one.

     See also: Note: hold, Note: newplot.

   To clear the current figure, call the ‘clf’ function.  To clear the
current axis, call the ‘cla’ function.  To bring the current figure to
the top of the window stack, call the ‘shg’ function.  To delete a
graphics object, call ‘delete’ on its index.  To close the figure
window, call the ‘close’ function.

 -- : clf
 -- : clf reset
 -- : clf (HFIG)
 -- : clf (HFIG, "reset")
 -- : H = clf (...)
     Clear the current figure window.

     ‘clf’ operates by deleting child graphics objects with visible
     handles (HandleVisibility = "on").

     If the optional argument "reset" is specified, delete all child
     objects including those with hidden handles and reset all figure
     properties to their defaults.  However, the following properties
     are not reset: Position, Units, PaperPosition, PaperUnits.

     If the first argument HFIG is a figure handle, then operate on this
     figure rather than the current figure returned by ‘gcf’.

     The optional return value H is the graphics handle of the figure
     window that was cleared.

     See also: Note: cla, Note: close, *note delete:
     XREFdelete, Note: reset.

 -- : cla
 -- : cla reset
 -- : cla (HAX)
 -- : cla (HAX, "reset")
     Clear the current or specified (HAX) axes object.

     ‘cla’ operates by deleting child graphic objects with visible
     handles (‘HandleVisibility’ = "on").  This typically clears the
     axes of any visual objects, but leaves in place axes limits, tick
     marks and labels, camera view, etc.  In addition, the automatic
     coloring and styling of lines is reset by changing the axes
     properties ‘ColorOrderIndex’, ‘LinestyleOrderIndex’ to 1.

     If the optional argument "reset" is specified, delete all child
     objects, including those with hidden handles, and reset all axes
     properties to their defaults.  However, the following properties
     are not reset: ‘Position’, ‘Units’.

     If the first argument HAX is an axes handle, then operate on this
     axes rather than the current axes returned by ‘gca’.

     See also: Note: clf, Note: delete, Note:

 -- : shg
     Show the graph window.

     Currently, this is the same as executing ‘drawnow’.

     See also: Note: drawnow, Note: figure.

 -- : delete (FILE)
 -- : delete (FILE1, FILE2, ...)
 -- : delete (HANDLE)
     Delete the named file or graphics handle.

     FILE may contain globbing patterns such as ‘*’.  Multiple files to
     be deleted may be specified in the same function call.

     HANDLE may be a scalar or vector of graphic handles to delete.

     Programming Note: Deleting graphics objects is the proper way to
     remove features from a plot without clearing the entire figure.

     See also: Note: clf, Note: cla, *note unlink:
     XREFunlink, Note: rmdir.

 -- : close
 -- : close (H)
 -- : close FIGNAME
 -- : close all
 -- : close all hidden
 -- : close all force
     Close figure window(s).

     When called with no arguments, close the current figure.  This is
     equivalent to ‘close (gcf)’.  If the input H is a graphic handle,
     or vector of graphics handles, then close each figure in H.  The
     figure to close may also be specified by name FIGNAME which is
     matched against the "Name" property of all figures.

     If the argument "all" is given then all figures with visible
     handles (HandleVisibility = "on") are closed.

     If the additional argument "hidden" is given then all figures,
     including hidden ones, are closed.

     If the additional argument "force" is given then figures are closed
     even when "closerequestfcn" has been altered to prevent closing the

     Implementation Note: ‘close’ operates by making the handle H the
     current figure, and then calling the function specified by the
     "closerequestfcn" property of the figure.  By default, the function
     ‘closereq’ is used.  It is possible that the function invoked will
     delay or abort removing the figure.  To remove a figure without
     executing any callback functions use ‘delete’.  When writing a
     callback function to close a window do not use ‘close’ to avoid

     See also: Note: closereq, Note: delete.

 -- : closereq ()
     Close the current figure and delete all graphics objects associated
     with it.

     By default, the "closerequestfcn" property of a new plot figure
     points to this function.

     See also: Note: close, Note: delete.

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