(octave.info)Obsolete Functions

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Appendix C Obsolete Functions

After being marked as deprecated for two major releases, the following
functions have been removed from Octave.  The third column of the table
shows the version of Octave in which the function was removed.  Prior to
removal, each function in the list was marked as deprecated for at least
two major releases.  All deprecated functions issue warnings explaining
that they will be removed in a future version of Octave, and which
function should be used instead.

   Replacement functions do not always accept precisely the same
arguments as the obsolete function, but should provide equivalent

Obsolete Function      Replacement            Version
‘beta_cdf’             ‘betacdf’              3.4.0
‘beta_inv’             ‘betainv’              3.4.0
‘beta_pdf’             ‘betapdf’              3.4.0
‘beta_rnd’             ‘betarnd’              3.4.0
‘binomial_cdf’         ‘binocdf’              3.4.0
‘binomial_inv’         ‘binoinv’              3.4.0
‘binomial_pdf’         ‘binopdf’              3.4.0
‘binomial_rnd’         ‘binornd’              3.4.0
‘chisquare_cdf’        ‘chi2cdf’              3.4.0
‘chisquare_inv’        ‘chi2inv’              3.4.0
‘chisquare_pdf’        ‘chi2pdf’              3.4.0
‘chisquare_rnd’        ‘chi2rnd’              3.4.0
‘clearplot’            ‘clf’                  3.4.0
‘com2str’              ‘num2str’              3.4.0
‘exponential_cdf’      ‘expcdf’               3.4.0
‘exponential_inv’      ‘expinv’               3.4.0
‘exponential_pdf’      ‘exppdf’               3.4.0
‘exponential_rnd’      ‘exprnd’               3.4.0
‘f_cdf’                ‘fcdf’                 3.4.0
‘f_inv’                ‘finv’                 3.4.0
‘f_pdf’                ‘fpdf’                 3.4.0
‘f_rnd’                ‘frnd’                 3.4.0
‘gamma_cdf’            ‘gamcdf’               3.4.0
‘gamma_inv’            ‘gaminv’               3.4.0
‘gamma_pdf’            ‘gampdf’               3.4.0
‘gamma_rnd’            ‘gamrnd’               3.4.0
‘geometric_cdf’        ‘geocdf’               3.4.0
‘geometric_inv’        ‘geoinv’               3.4.0
‘geometric_pdf’        ‘geopdf’               3.4.0
‘geometric_rnd’        ‘geornd’               3.4.0
‘hypergeometric_cdf’   ‘hygecdf’              3.4.0
‘hypergeometric_inv’   ‘hygeinv’              3.4.0
‘hypergeometric_pdf’   ‘hygepdf’              3.4.0
‘hypergeometric_rnd’   ‘hygernd’              3.4.0
‘intersection’         ‘intersect’            3.4.0
‘is_bool’              ‘isbool’               3.4.0
‘is_complex’           ‘iscomplex’            3.4.0
‘is_list’              ‘islist’               3.4.0
‘is_matrix’            ‘ismatrix’             3.4.0
‘is_scalar’            ‘isscalar’             3.4.0
‘is_square’            ‘issquare’             3.4.0
‘is_stream’            ‘isstream’             3.4.0
‘is_struct’            ‘isstruct’             3.4.0
‘is_symmetric’         ‘issymmetric’          3.4.0
‘is_vector’            ‘isvector’             3.4.0
‘lognormal_cdf’        ‘logncdf’              3.4.0
‘lognormal_inv’        ‘logninv’              3.4.0
‘lognormal_pdf’        ‘lognpdf’              3.4.0
‘lognormal_rnd’        ‘lognrnd’              3.4.0
‘meshdom’              ‘meshgrid’             3.4.0
‘normal_cdf’           ‘normcdf’              3.4.0
‘normal_inv’           ‘norminv’              3.4.0
‘normal_pdf’           ‘normpdf’              3.4.0
‘normal_rnd’           ‘normrnd’              3.4.0
‘pascal_cdf’           ‘nbincdf’              3.4.0
‘pascal_inv’           ‘nbininv’              3.4.0
‘pascal_pdf’           ‘nbinpdf’              3.4.0
‘pascal_rnd’           ‘nbinrnd’              3.4.0
‘poisson_cdf’          ‘poisscdf’             3.4.0
‘poisson_inv’          ‘poissinv’             3.4.0
‘poisson_pdf’          ‘poisspdf’             3.4.0
‘poisson_rnd’          ‘poissrnd’             3.4.0
‘polyinteg’            ‘polyint’              3.4.0
‘struct_contains’      ‘isfield’              3.4.0
‘struct_elements’      ‘fieldnames’           3.4.0
‘t_cdf’                ‘tcdf’                 3.4.0
‘t_inv’                ‘tinv’                 3.4.0
‘t_pdf’                ‘tpdf’                 3.4.0
‘t_rnd’                ‘trnd’                 3.4.0
‘uniform_cdf’          ‘unifcdf’              3.4.0
‘uniform_inv’          ‘unifinv’              3.4.0
‘uniform_pdf’          ‘unifpdf’              3.4.0
‘uniform_rnd’          ‘unifrnd’              3.4.0
‘weibull_cdf’          ‘wblcdf’               3.4.0
‘weibull_inv’          ‘wblinv’               3.4.0
‘weibull_pdf’          ‘wblpdf’               3.4.0
‘weibull_rnd’          ‘wblrnd’               3.4.0
‘wiener_rnd’           ‘wienrnd’              3.4.0
‘create_set’           ‘unique’               3.6.0
‘dmult’                ‘diag (A) * B’         3.6.0
‘iscommand’            None                   3.6.0
‘israwcommand’         None                   3.6.0
‘lchol’                ‘chol (...,            3.6.0
‘loadimage’            ‘load’ or ‘imread’     3.6.0
‘mark_as_command’      None                   3.6.0
‘mark_as_rawcommand’   None                   3.6.0
‘spatan2’              ‘atan2’                3.6.0
‘spchol’               ‘chol’                 3.6.0
‘spchol2inv’           ‘chol2inv’             3.6.0
‘spcholinv’            ‘cholinv’              3.6.0
‘spcumprod’            ‘cumprod’              3.6.0
‘spcumsum’             ‘cumsum’               3.6.0
‘spdet’                ‘det’                  3.6.0
‘spdiag’               ‘sparse (diag          3.6.0
‘spfind’               ‘find’                 3.6.0
‘sphcat’               ‘horzcat’              3.6.0
‘spinv’                ‘inv’                  3.6.0
‘spkron’               ‘kron’                 3.6.0
‘splchol’              ‘chol (...,            3.6.0
‘split’                ‘char (strsplit (s,    3.6.0
‘splu’                 ‘lu’                   3.6.0
‘spmax’                ‘max’                  3.6.0
‘spmin’                ‘min’                  3.6.0
‘spprod’               ‘prod’                 3.6.0
‘spqr’                 ‘qr’                   3.6.0
‘spsum’                ‘sum’                  3.6.0
‘spsumsq’              ‘sumsq’                3.6.0
‘spvcat’               ‘vertcat’              3.6.0
‘str2mat’              ‘char’                 3.6.0
‘unmark_command’       None                   3.6.0
‘unmark_rawcommand’    None                   3.6.0
‘autocor’              Octave-Forge signal    3.8.0
                       pkg, ‘xcor’
‘autocov’              Octave-Forge signal    3.8.0
                       pkg, ‘xcov’
‘betai’                ‘betainc’              3.8.0
‘cellidx’              ‘ismember’             3.8.0
‘cquad’                ‘quadcc’               3.8.0
‘dispatch’             None                   3.8.0
‘fstat’                ‘stat’                 3.8.0
‘gammai’               ‘gammainc’             3.8.0
‘glpkmex’              ‘glpk’                 3.8.0
‘is_duplicate_entry’   ‘unique’               3.8.0
‘is_global’            ‘isglobal’             3.8.0
‘krylovb’              ‘[Uret, ~, Ucols] =    3.8.0
                       krylov (...)’
‘perror’               None                   3.8.0
‘replot’               ‘refresh’              3.8.0
‘saveimage’            ‘imwrite’              3.8.0
‘setstr’               ‘char’                 3.8.0
‘strerror’             None                   3.8.0
‘values’               ‘unique’               3.8.0
‘cut’                  ‘histc’                4.0.0
‘cor’                  ‘corr’                 4.0.0
‘corrcoef’             ‘corr’                 4.0.0
‘__error_text__’       ‘lasterr’              4.0.0
‘error_text’           ‘lasterr’              4.0.0
‘polyderiv’            ‘polyder’              4.0.0
‘shell_cmd’            ‘system’               4.0.0
‘studentize’           ‘zscore’               4.0.0
‘sylvester_matrix’     ‘hadamard (2^k)’       4.0.0

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