(octave.info)Uipanel Properties

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The ‘uipanel’ properties are:

‘backgroundcolor’: def. ‘[1 1 1]’

‘beingdeleted’: {"off"} | "on"

‘bordertype’: "beveledin" | "beveledout" | {"etchedin"} | "etchedout" | "line" | "none"

‘borderwidth’: def. ‘1’

‘busyaction’: "cancel" | {"queue"}
     Define how Octave handles the execution of this object’s callback
     properties when it is unable to interrupt another object’s
     executing callback.  This is only relevant when the currently
     executing callback object has its ‘interruptible’ property set to
     "off".  The ‘busyaction’ property of the interrupting callback
     object indicates whether the interrupting callback is queued
     ("queue" (default)) or discarded ("cancel").  Note:
     Callbacks section.

‘buttondownfcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     For information on how to write graphics listener functions see
     Note: Callbacks section.

‘children’ (read-only): vector of graphics handles, def. ‘[](0x1)’
     Graphics handles of the uipanel’s children.

‘clipping’: "off" | {"on"}
     If ‘clipping’ is "on", the uipanel is clipped in its parent axes

‘createfcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     Callback function executed immediately after uipanel has been
     created.  Function is set by using default property on root object,
     e.g., ‘set (groot, "defaultuipanelcreatefcn", 'disp ("uipanel

     For information on how to write graphics listener functions see
     Note: Callbacks section.

‘deletefcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     Callback function executed immediately before uipanel is deleted.

     For information on how to write graphics listener functions see
     Note: Callbacks section.

‘fontangle’: "italic" | {"normal"} | "oblique"
     Control whether the font is italic or normal.

‘fontname’: string, def. "*"
     Name of font used for text rendering.  When setting this property,
     the text rendering engine will search for a matching font in your
     system.  If none is found then text is rendered using a default
     sans serif font (same as the default "*" value).

‘fontsize’: scalar, def. ‘10’
     Size of the font used for text rendering.  Note: fontunits

‘fontunits’: "centimeters" | "inches" | "normalized" | "pixels" | {"points"}
     Units used to interpret the "fontsize" property.

‘fontweight’: "bold" | "demi" | "light" | {"normal"}
     Control the variant of the base font used for text rendering.

‘foregroundcolor’: def. ‘[0 0 0]’

‘handlevisibility’: "callback" | "off" | {"on"}
     If ‘handlevisibility’ is "off", the uipanel’s handle is not visible
     in its parent’s "children" property.

‘highlightcolor’: def. ‘[1 1 1]’

‘hittest’: "off" | {"on"}
     Specify whether uipanel processes mouse events or passes them to
     ancestors of the object.  When enabled, the object may respond to
     mouse clicks by evaluating the "buttondownfcn", showing the
     uicontextmenu, and eventually becoming the root "currentobject".
     This property is only relevant when the object can accept mouse
     clicks which is determined by the "pickableparts" property.  Note:
     pickableparts property.

‘interruptible’: "off" | {"on"}
     Specify whether this object’s callback functions may be interrupted
     by other callbacks.  By default ‘interruptible’ is "on" and
     callbacks that make use of ‘drawnow’, ‘figure’, ‘waitfor’,
     ‘getframe’ or ‘pause’ functions are eventually interrupted.  Note:
     Callbacks section.

‘parent’: graphics handle
     Handle of the parent graphics object.

‘pickableparts’: "all" | "none" | {"visible"}
     Specify whether uipanel will accept mouse clicks.  By default,
     ‘pickableparts’ is "visible" and only visible parts of the uipanel
     or its children may react to mouse clicks.  When ‘pickableparts’ is
     "all" both visible and invisible parts (or children) may react to
     mouse clicks.  When ‘pickableparts’ is "none" mouse clicks on the
     object are ignored and transmitted to any objects underneath this
     one.  When an object is configured to accept mouse clicks the
     "hittest" property will determine how they are processed.  Note:
     hittest property.

‘position’: def. ‘[0 0 1 1]’

‘resizefcn’: def. ‘[](0x0)’

‘selected’: {"off"} | "on"

‘selectionhighlight’: "off" | {"on"}

‘shadowcolor’: def. ‘[0 0 0]’

‘tag’: string, def. ""
     A user-defined string to label the graphics object.

‘title’: def. ""

‘titleposition’: "centerbottom" | "centertop" | "leftbottom" | {"lefttop"} | "rightbottom" | "righttop"

‘type’ (read-only): string
     Class name of the graphics object.  ‘type’ is always "uipanel"

‘uicontextmenu’: graphics handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     Graphics handle of the uicontextmenu object that is currently
     associated to this uipanel object.

‘units’: "centimeters" | "characters" | "inches" | {"normalized"} | "pixels" | "points"

‘userdata’: Any Octave data, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     User-defined data to associate with the graphics object.

‘visible’: "off" | {"on"}
     If ‘visible’ is "off", the uipanel is not rendered on screen.

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