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1.2 Concepts

1.2.1 Interaction model

The interaction model is straightforward.  For each working file, you
initialize its RCS file once, then enter a cycle of checkout,
modification, and checkin operations.  Along the way, you can tweak some
of the RCS file’s metadata, as well.  All of this is done through RCS
commands; you need not modify the RCS file directly (and in fact you
should probably avoid doing so lest RCS become confused).  This model is
somewhat analogous to using a library (of books).  With a library, you
sign up for a library card (initialize), then enter a cycle of taking a
book home (checkout), enjoying it (NB: *without* modification, one
hopes), and returning it to the library (checkin).

   Furthermore, you can compare revisions in the RCS file against each
other, examine the user- (hopefully high) quality descriptions of the
changes each revision embodies, merge selected revisions, and so forth.

1.2.2 Working file

RCS commands operate on one pair of files at a time.  The "working file"
is what you normally view and edit (e.g., a file of C programming
language source code named ‘a.c’).  Because the working file’s contents
can be extracted from the RCS file (called "instantiating a working
file"), it can be safely deleted to regain some disk space.

1.2.3 RCS file

The "RCS file" is a separate file, conventionally placed in the
subdirectory ‘RCS’, wherein RCS commands organize the initial and
subsequent "revisions" of the working file, associating with each
revision a unique revision number along with the remembered particulars
of the checkin that produced it.  It also contains a "description" of
the working file and various other metadata, described below.

   The RCS file is also known (colloquially) as the “comma-v file”, due
to its name often ending in ‘,v’ (e.g., ‘a.c,v’).

   A "revision number" is a branch number followed by a dot followed by
an integer, and a "branch number" is an odd number of integers separated
by dot.  A revision number with one dot (implying a branch number
without any dots) is said to be "on the trunk".  All integers are
positive.  For example:

     1.1         -- revision number for initial checkin (typically);
                    branch number: 1    -- more complicated (perhaps after much gnarly hacking);
                    branch number: 9.4.1

     333.333.333 -- not a valid revision number;
                    however, a perfectly valid branch number

The "branch point" of a non-trunk branch is the revision number formed
by removing the branch’s trailing integer.  To compute the "next higher"
branch or revision number, add one to the trailing integer.  The
highest-numbered revision on a branch is called the "tip" of the branch
(or "branch tip").  Continuing the example:

     1.1         -- on trunk; no branch point;
                    next higher branch number:   2
                    next higher revision number: 1.2    -- not on trunk; branch point:  9.4
                    next higher branch number:   9.4.2
                    next higher revision number:

     333.333.333 -- not on trunk; branch point:  333.333
                    next higher branch number:   333.333.334
                    next higher revision number: 333.333.333.1

In addition to this “tree” of thus-linked revisions, the RCS file keeps
track of the "default branch", i.e., the branch whose tip corresponds to
the most recent checkin; as well as the "symbolic names", a list of
associations between a user-supplied (and presumably meaningful) symbol
and an underlying branch or revision number.

   The RCS file contains two pieces of information used to implement its
"access control policy".  The first is a list of usernames.  If
non-empty, only those users listed can modify the RCS file (via RCS
commands).  The second is a list of "locks", i.e., association between a
username and a revision number.  If a lock ‘USERNAME:REVNO’ exists, that
means only USERNAME may modify REVNO (that is, do a checkin operation to
deposit the next higher revision, or a higher revision number on the
same branch as REVNO).

1.2.4 Fundamental operations

The "checkin" operation records the contents of the working file in the
RCS file, assigning it a new (normally the next higher) revision number
and recording the username, timestamp, "state" (a short symbol), and
user-supplied "log message" (a textual description of the changes
leading to that revision).  It uses diff to find the differences between
the tip of the default branch and the working file, thereby writing the
minimal amount of information needed to be able to recreate the contents
of the previous tip.

   The "checkout" operation identifies a specific revision from the RCS
file and either displays the content to standard output or instantiates
a working file, overwriting any current instantiation with the selected
revision.  In either case, the content may undergo "keyword expansion",
which replaces text of the form ‘$Keyword$’ with (possibly) different
text comprising the keyword and its "value", depending on the current
keyword expansion mode (Note: Substitution mode option).

1.2.5 Keywords

The keywords and their values are:

     The login name of the user who checked in the revision.

     The date and time the revision was checked in.  May include an
     appended timezone offset.

     A standard header containing the absolute RCS filename, the
     revision number, the date and time, the author, the state, and the
     locker (if locked).  May include an appended timezone offset.

     Same as ‘Header’, except that only the basename appears (no
     directory components).

     The login name of the user who locked the revision (empty if not

     The log message supplied during checkin, preceded by a header
     containing the RCS filename, the revision number, the author, and
     the date and time.  May include an appended timezone offset.

     Existing log messages are not replaced.  Instead, the new log
     message is inserted after ‘$Log:...$’.  This is useful for
     accumulating a complete change log in a source file.

     Each inserted line is prefixed by the string that prefixes the
     ‘$Log$’ line.  For example, if the ‘$Log$’ line is

          // $Log: tan.cc $

     then RCS prefixes each line of the log with ‘// ’ (slash, slash,
     space).  This is useful for languages with comments that go to the
     end of the line.

     The convention for other languages is to use a ‘ * ’ (space,
     asterisk, space) prefix inside a multiline comment.  For example,
     the initial log comment of a C program conventionally is of the
     following form:

            * $Log$

     For backwards compatibility with older versions of RCS, if the log
     prefix is ‘/*’ or ‘(*’ surrounded by optional white space, inserted
     log lines contain a space instead of ‘/’ or ‘(’; however, this
     usage is obsolescent and should not be relied on.

     The symbolic name used to check out the revision, if any.  For
     example, ‘co -rJoe’ generates ‘$Name: Joe $’.  Plain co generates
     just ‘$Name: $’.

     The basename of the RCS file.

     The revision number assigned to the revision.

     The absolute RCS filename.

     The state assigned to the revision with the ‘-s’ option of rcs or

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