(rcs.info)Misc common options

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2.1.6 Misc common options

Other common options are ‘-I’, ‘-q’, ‘-s’, ‘-T’, ‘-V’, ‘-w’, ‘-x’.

     This option enables "interactive mode".  More precisely, it
     *forces* interactive mode, whereby RCS commands believe that their
     standard input is a terminal, normally a precondition for
     displaying a prompt to receive input (such as a log message on
     checkin).  The intention of ‘-I’ is for scripting situations where
     standard input is actually not a terminal but you know beforehand
     (without prompting) that input is needed and you are ready to
     provide it on standard input anyway.

     This option enables "quiet mode".  Commands work silently (unless
     there is an error condition), and suppress warnings and prompts.

     Specify the state to be STATE.

     This option controls how commands timestamp the RCS file.
     Normally, RCS commands set the RCS file’s timestamp when modifying
     it in the “natural” way (without taking any particular care).  With
     ‘-T’, on the other hand, the commands either preserve the timestamp
     (for standalone lock/unlock operations), or use the timestamp of
     the working file (for ci).

     This can be useful if the RCS file is found in a makefile target’s
     list of prerequisites (Note: (make)Rule Syntax), that is, if some
     target should be rebuilt if the RCS file is newer than it.  In that
     case, you can do ‘rcs -u -T’, for example, to unlock a revision in
     the RCS file without triggering a recompilation.

     Behave like ‘--version’, i.e., display command version information
     and exit successfully.  *NB*: This option is obsolete and its
     *support will be removed* in some future release.

     N specifies the RCS (major) version to emulate.  Valid values for N
     are: 3, 4, 5.  Version 5 is the current version, so ‘-V5’ does
     nothing special.

     In versions prior to 5, RCS outputs ‘\t’ (tab, U+09) between the
     ‘:’ (colon) and the value (for keyword substitution) instead of
     space, uses the RCS file ‘comment’ string to prefix each line in
     the ‘Log’ expansion instead of computing it on the fly from the
     input text, writes/reads localtime instead of UTC, and displays
     slightly different output for rlog.

     For version 4, the ‘Header’ expansion unconditionally includes
     ‘Locker: LOCKER’, as if the ‘kvl’ substitution mode were specified
     (Note: Substitution mode option).

     For version 3, the ‘Header’ expansion omits the directories from
     the filename and says only ‘Locked’ instead of the state.

     Some commands accept an option of the form ‘-wLOGIN’ to specify the
     login name of the author of a revision, i.e., “who” is responsible.

     Specify SUFF as the slash-separated list of file name suffixes used
     to recognize an RCS file.  The default value is ‘,v/’, that is,
     first try with ‘,v’ then try with an empty suffix.

     This "basename search" occurs within (i.e., starting from the
     beginning) the larger "directory search" loop, which comprises two
     candidates: ‘d/RCS’ and ‘d’, where D is the directory component of
     the working file name.  For example, given the working file ‘a.c’
     in the current directory, RCS tries, in order, these candidates:


     Note that the last candidate is impossible (and is in fact
     discarded), because the working and RCS files cannot have the same

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