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ASCII 6/12 from NOS

   This charset is available in `recode' under the name `CDC-NOS', with
`NOS' as an acceptable alias.

   This is one of the charsets in use on CDC Cyber NOS systems to
represent ASCII, sometimes named "NOS 6/12" code for coding ASCII.
This code is also known as "caret ASCII".  It is based on a six bits
character set in which small letters and control characters are coded
using a `^' escape and, sometimes, a `@' escape.

   The routines given here presume that the six bits code is already
expressed in ASCII by the communication channel, with embedded ASCII
`^' and `@' escapes.

   Here is a table showing which characters are being used to encode
each ASCII character.

     000  ^5  020  ^#  040     060  0  100 @A  120  P  140  @G  160  ^P
     001  ^6  021  ^[  041  !  061  1  101  A  121  Q  141  ^A  161  ^Q
     002  ^7  022  ^]  042  "  062  2  102  B  122  R  142  ^B  162  ^R
     003  ^8  023  ^%  043  #  063  3  103  C  123  S  143  ^C  163  ^S
     004  ^9  024  ^"  044  $  064  4  104  D  124  T  144  ^D  164  ^T
     005  ^+  025  ^_  045  %  065  5  105  E  125  U  145  ^E  165  ^U
     006  ^-  026  ^!  046  &  066  6  106  F  126  V  146  ^F  166  ^V
     007  ^*  027  ^&  047  '  067  7  107  G  127  W  147  ^G  167  ^W
     010  ^/  030  ^'  050  (  070  8  110  H  130  X  150  ^H  170  ^X
     011  ^(  031  ^?  051  )  071  9  111  I  131  Y  151  ^I  171  ^Y
     012  ^)  032  ^<  052  *  072 @D  112  J  132  Z  152  ^J  172  ^Z
     013  ^$  033  ^>  053  +  073  ;  113  K  133  [  153  ^K  173  ^0
     014  ^=  034  ^@  054  ,  074  <  114  L  134  \  154  ^L  174  ^1
     015  ^   035  ^\  055  -  075  =  115  M  135  ]  155  ^M  175  ^2
     016  ^,  036  ^^  056  .  076  >  116  N  136 @B  156  ^N  176  ^3
     017  ^.  037  ^;  057  /  077  ?  117  O  137  _  157  ^O  177  ^4

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