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Using `recode' within Emacs

   The fact `recode' is a filter makes it quite easy to use from within
GNU Emacs.  For example, recoding the whole buffer from the `IBM-PC'
charset to current charset (`Latin-1' on Unix) is easily done with:

     C-x h C-u M-| recode ibmpc RET

`C-x h' selects the whole buffer, and `C-u M-|' filters and replaces
the current region through the given shell command.  Here is another
example, binding the keys `C-c T' to the recoding of the current region
from Easy French to `Latin-1' (on Unix) and the key `C-u C-c T' from
`Latin-1' (on Unix) to Easy French:

     (global-set-key "\C-cT" 'recode-texte)
     (defun recode-texte (flag)
       (interactive "P")
        (region-beginning) (region-end)
        (concat "recode " (if flag "..txte" "txte")) t)

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