(sharutils.info)shar compression

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2.1.2 compression options

Specifying compression.

intermix-type option (-p).

This is the "specify compression for input files" option.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * must not appear in combination with any of the following options:

   Allow positional parameter options.  The compression method and
encoding method options may be intermixed with file names.  Files named
after these options will be processed in the specified way.

compactor option (-C).

This is the "specify compaction (compression) program" option.  This
option takes a string argument `PROGRAM'.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * may appear an unlimited number of times.

   * must not appear in combination with any of the following options:

   The `gzip', `bzip2' and `compress' compactor commands may be
specified by the program name as the option name, e.g. `--gzip'.  Those
options, however, are being deprecated.  There is also the `xz'
compactor now.  Specify `xz' with `-C xz' or `--compactor=xz'.

   Specifying the compactor "`none'" will disable file compression.
Compressed files are never processed as plain text.  They are always
uuencoded and the recipient must have `uudecode' to unpack them.

   Specifying the compactor `compress' is deprecated.

level-of-compression option (-g).

This is the "pass `level' for compression" option.  This option takes a
number argument `LEVEL'.  Some compression programs allow for a level
of compression.  The default is `9', but this option allows you to
specify something else.  This value is used by `gzip', `bzip2' and
`xz', but not `compress'.

bzip2 option (-j).

This is the "`bzip2' and `uuencode' files" option.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * may appear an unlimited number of times.

   `bzip2' compress and `uuencode' all files prior to packing.  The
recipient must have `uudecode' `bzip2' in order to unpack.


gzip option (-z).

This is the "`gzip' and `uuencode' files" option.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * may appear an unlimited number of times.

   `gzip' compress and `uuencode' all files prior to packing.  The
recipient must have `uudecode' and `gzip' in order to unpack.


compress option (-Z).

This is the "`compress' and `uuencode' files" option.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * may appear an unlimited number of times.

   * must be compiled in by defining `HAVE_COMPRESS' during the

   `compress' and `uuencode' all files prior to packing.  The recipient
must have `uudecode' and `compress' in order to unpack.


level-for-gzip option.

This is an alias for the `level-of-compression' option, Note: the
level-of-compression option documentation.

bits-per-code option (-b).

This is the "pass `bits' (default 12) to compress" option.  This option
takes a string argument `BITS'.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * must be compiled in by defining `HAVE_COMPRESS' during the

   This is the compression factor used by the `compress' program.


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