(sharutils.info)shar in-out

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2.1.4 in-out options

Specifying file selection and output modes.

output-prefix option (-o).

This is the "print output to file prefix.nn" option.  This option takes
a string argument `PREFIX'.  Save the archive to files `prefix.01' thru
`prefix.nn' instead of sending all output to standard out.  Must be
specified when the `--whole-size-limit' or `--split-size-limit' options
are specified.

   When PREFIX contains a `%' character, PREFIX is then interpreted as
a `sprintf' format, which should be able to display a single decimal
number.  When PREFIX does not contain such a `%' character, the string
`.%02d' is internally appended.

whole-size-limit option (-l).

This is the "split archive, not files, to size" option.  This option
takes a number argument `SIZE'.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * is a member of the whole-size-limit class of options.

   * must appear in combination with the following options:

   Limit the output file size to `size' bytes, but don't split input
files.  If `size' is less than 1024, then it will be multiplied by
1024.  The value may also be specified with a k, K, m or M suffix.  The
number is then multiplied by 1000, 1024, 1000000, or 1048576,
respectively.  4M (4194304) is the maximum allowed.

   Unlike the `split-size-limit' option, this allows the recipient of
the shar files to unpack them in any order.

split-size-limit option (-L).

This is the "split archive or files to size" option.  This option takes
a number argument `SIZE'.

This option has some usage constraints.  It:
   * is a member of the whole-size-limit class of options.

   * must appear in combination with the following options:

   Limit output file size to `size' bytes, splitting files if
necessary.  The allowed values are specified as with the
`--whole-size-limit' option.

   The archive parts created with this option must be unpacked in the
correct order.  If the recipient of the shell archives wants to put all
of them in a single email folder (file), they will have to be saved in
the correct order for `unshar' to unpack them all at once (using one of
the split archive options).  Note: unshar Invocation.

input-file-list option (-I).

This is the "read file list from a file" option.  This option takes a
string argument `FILE'.  This option causes `file' to be reopened as
standard input.  If no files are found on the input line, then standard
input is read for input file names.  Use of this option will prohibit
input files from being listed on the command line.

   Input must be in a form similar to that generated by `find', one
filename per line.  This switch is especially useful when the command
line will not hold the list of files to be archived.

   If the `--intermix-type' option is specified on the command line,
then the compression options may be included in the standard input on
lines by themselves and no file name may begin with a hyphen.

   For example:
    { echo --compact xz
       find . -type f -print | sort
    } | shar -S -p -L50K -o /somewhere/big

stdin-file-list option (-S).

This is the "read file list from standard input" option.  This option
is actually a no-op.  It is a wrapper for `--input-file-list=-'.


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