(tds.info)Web2c 7

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B.3.3 Web2c 7

All implementation-dependent TeX system files (`.pool', `.fmt',
`.base', `.mem') are stored by default directly in `texmf/web2c'.  The
configuration file `texmf.cnf' and various subsidiary `MakeTeX...'
scripts used as subroutines are also stored there.

   Non-TeX specific files are stored following the GNU coding
standards.  Given a root directory `PREFIX' (`/usr/local' by default),
we have default locations as follows:

       <prefix>/         installation root (`/usr/local' by default)
         bin/            executables
         man/            man pages
         info/           info files
         lib/            libraries (`libkpathsea.*')
         share/          architecture-independent files
           texmf/        TDS root
             web2c/      implementation-dependent files (`.pool', `.fmt', `texmf.cnf', etc.)

   See `http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards_toc.html' for the rationale
behind and descriptions of this arrangement. A site may of course
override these defaults; for example, it may put everything under a
single directory such as `/usr/local/texmf'.

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