(texdraw)Intermediate PostScript file

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5.2.4 The intermediate PostScript file

The intermediate PostScript file consists of a header, a body and a
trailer following Encapsulated PostScript File (EPSF) standards.  The
header sets up PostScript definitions and default parameter values.  The
trailer includes the 'BoundingBox' information which gives the
coordinates in default PostScript units (72 per inch) for the lower
lefthand corner and the upper righthand corner of the drawing.  The body
of the intermediate PostScript file contains the PostScript commands
generated by TeXdraw.

   Many moves in TeXdraw serve only to position text or to reset saved
positions.  TeXdraw buffers move commands in order to be able to
collapse runs of moves.  Only the last move of a run of moves is
actually written to the PostScript file.  However the intermediate moves
still affect the size of the drawing.  The expunging of moves means that
the PostScript file 'BoundingBox' information may indicate a drawing
size larger than the PostScript commands themselves would warrant.

   Drawing segments in TeXdraw show up in the PostScript file as saves
and restores of the PostScript graphics state.  Segment starts are
buffered and only written out if necessary.  This way "empty" segments
do not generate output to the PostScript file.  These empty segments
arise if a segment contains only moves and text commands.  The moves
inside the segment are not needed since they are local to the segment,
and the text commands do not generate output to the PostScript file.

   If TeXdraw is used only for moves and text, no intermediate
PostScript file will be created.

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