(texdraw)PostScript printer drivers

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4.1 PostScript printer drivers

The 'texdraw' package uses the printer driver interface provided by the
standard LaTeX2e 'graphics' package.  Any options to the 'texdraw'
package are passed to the 'graphics' package.  Specifically, the name of
the PostScript driver to be used can be specified as an option to the
'texdraw' package.  With no explicit printer driver option, the default
printer driver associated with the 'graphics' package is used.

   The 'texdraw' package can be used with any of the printer drivers
supported by the 'graphics' package that allow for the importation of
PostScript graphics files, viz., 'dvips', 'xdvi', 'dvi2ps', 'dvialw',
'dvilaser', 'dvipsone', 'dviwindo', 'dvitops', 'oztex', 'psprint',
'textures', 'pctexps', and 'pctexwin'.  Not all of these drivers support
the text rotation needed for the TeXdraw commands '\vtext' and '\rtext'.
Of the drivers listed above, only the following support support text
rotation: 'dvips', 'xdvi', 'dvi2ps', 'dvitops', 'textures', and

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