(web2c.info)dvitype invocation

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9.2 DVItype: Plain text transliteration of DVI files

DVItype translates a DeVice Independent (DVI) file (as output by TeX,
for example) to a plain text file that humans can read.  It also serves
as a DVI-validating program, i.e., if DVItype can read a file, it's
correct.  Synopsis:

     dvitype [OPTION]... DVIFILE[.dvi]

DVItype does not read any bitmap files, but it does read TFM files for
fonts referenced in DVIFILE.  The usual places are searched (Note:
(kpathsea)Supported file formats).  To see all the relevant paths, set
the environment variable 'KPATHSEA_DEBUG' to '-1' before running the

   Output goes to standard output.

   The program accepts the following options, as well as the standard
'-help' and '-version' (Note: Common options):
     Do pixel movement calculations at REAL pixels per inch; default

     Override existing magnification in INDVI with INTEGER; 1000
     specifies no magnification.  This is equivalent to setting TeX's
     '\mag' parameter.

     Process N pages; default is one million.

     Verbosity level of output, from 0 to 4 (default 4):
        * 0: Global document information only.
        * 1: Most DVI commands included, and typeset characters
        * 2: Character and movement commands explicitly included.
        * 3: DVI stack and current position calculations included.
        * 4: Same information as level 3, but DVItype does random
          positioning in the file, reading the DVI postamble first.

     Start at the first page matching PAGE-SPEC, which is one or more
     (signed) integers separated by periods, corresponding to TeX's
     '\count0...9' parameters at '\shipout' time; '*' matches anything.
     Examples: '1', '5.*.-9'.

     Show numeric opcode values (in decimal) for DVI commands, in braces
     after the command name.  This can help in debugging DVI utilities.
     We use decimal because in the DVI format documentation (in
     'dvitype.web', among others) the opcodes are shown in decimal.

dvitype output example

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