
Bakalářské práce

Obhájené práce

Magisterské práce

Obhájené práce


  1. Lukáš Rachůnek: Posloupnosti a fraktály. PřF UP, Olomouc 1998.
  2. L. Novák, J. Mikeš, L. Rachůnek, J. Zedník: Algebra a geometrie. FT VUT, Zlín 1999.
  3. J. Mikeš, L. Rachůnek: On T-semisymmetric Riemannian spaces admitting torse-forming vector fields. Abstr. of Contrib. Papers, The XI Petrov School, Kazan 1999, 64-65.
  4. Lukáš Rachůnek: Vytváření ilustrací z deskriptivní geometrie pomocí programu METAFONT. Sborník konference z geometrie a počítačové grafiky, Zadov 1999, 80-83.
  5. J. Mikeš, L. Rachůnek: Torse-forming vector fields in T-semisymmetric Riemannian spaces. Steps in Differential Geometry, July 25-30, Debrecen 2000, Univ. Debrecen, Debrecen 2001, 219-229.
  6. L. Rachůnek, J. Mikeš: T-semisymmetric spaces and concircular vector fields. 8th Intern. Conf. Diff. Geom. Appl., Opava 2001, 22-23.
  7. J. Mikeš, L. Rachůnek: T-semisymmetric spaces and concircular vector fields. Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, II. Ser. 69, Palermo 2002, 187-193.
  8. Lukáš Rachůnek: TeX a plain. PřF UP, Olomouc 2003.
  9. Lukáš Rachůnek: Torzoformní vektorová pole v T-semisymetrických Riemannových prostorech. PřF UP, Olomouc 2003.
  10. L. Rachůnek, J. Mikeš: On semitorse-forming vector fields. Proceedings of Aplimat 2004, Bratislava 2004, 835-840.
  11. M. Lehocký, L. Lapčík, Jr., R. Dlabaja, L. Rachůnek, J. Stoch: Influence of artificially accelerated ageing on the adhesive joint of plasma treated polymer materials. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, Vol. 54 (2004), Suppl. C, Praha 2004, 533-538.
  12. L. Rachůnek, I. Rachůnková: Diferenciální počet funkcí více proměnných. PřF UP, Olomouc 2004.
  13. L. Rachůnek, J. Mikeš: On tensor fields semiconjugated with torse-forming vector fields. Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. rer. nat., Mathematica 44 (2005), Olomouc 2005, 151-160.
  14. I. Rachůnková, L. Rachůnek: Singular discrete second order BVPs with p-Laplacian. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 12 (2006), 811-819.
  15. I. Rachůnková, L. Rachůnek: Solvability of discrete Dirichlet problem via lower and upper functions method. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 13 (2007), 423-429.
  16. I. Rachůnková, L. Rachůnek: Singular discrete problem arising in the theory of shallow membrane caps. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 14 (2008), 747-767.
  17. I. Rachůnková, L. Rachůnek: Singular discrete and continuous mixed boundary value problems. Math. Comp. Modelling 49 (2009), 413-422.
  18. L. Rachůnek, I. Rachůnková: Approximation of differential problems with singularities and time discontinuities. Nonlinear Analysis, TMA 71 (2009), e1448-e1460.
  19. L. Rachůnek, I. Rachůnková: Strictly increasing solutions of non-autonomous difference equations arising in hydrodynamics. Advances in Difference Equations, Recent Trends in Differential and Difference Equations. Vol. 2010, Article ID 714891, 11 pages.
  20. L. Rachůnek, I. Rachůnková: On a homoclinic point of an autonomous second-order difference equation. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 17 (2011), 753-764.
  21. L. Rachůnek, I. Rachůnková: Homoclinic solutions of non-autonomous difference equations arising in hydrodynamics. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 12 (2011), 14-23.
  22. I. Rachůnková, L. Rachůnek, J. Tomeček: Existence of oscillatory solutions of singular nonlinear differential equations. Abstract and Applied Analysis. Vol. 2011, Article ID 408525, 20 pages.
  23. Lukáš Rachůnek: Second order discrete boundary value problems. FSI VUT, Brno 2011.
  24. Lukáš Rachůnek: On four types of solutions of a second-order difference equation. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 18 (2012), 859-907.
  25. L. Rachůnek, I. Rachůnková: First order nonlinear differential equations with state-dependent impulses. Boundary Value Problems 2013:195 (2013), 18 pages.
  26. Lukáš Rachůnek: Grafické studio ve škole. Matematika - fyzika - informatika 22, 5 (2013), 369-373.
  27. Lukáš Rachůnek: Prostorové modelování ve škole. Matematika - fyzika - informatika 23, 5 (2014), 384-390.
  28. I. Rachůnková, L. Rachůnek, A. Rontó, M. Rontó: A constructive approach to boundary value problems with state-dependent impulses. Applied Mathematics and Computation 274 (2016), 726-744.
  29. A. Rontó, I. Rachůnková, M. Rontó, L. Rachůnek: Investigation of solutions of state-dependent multi-impulsive boundary value problem. Georgian Mathematical Journal 24, 2 (2017), 287-312.
  30. Lukáš Rachůnek: Volně dostupné grafické editory ve škole. Matematika - fyzika - informatika 26, 5 (2017), 394-400.
  31. L. Rachůnek, I. Rachůnková: Homoclinic solutions of singular differential equations with phi-Laplacian. EJQTDE 72 (2018), 1-19.
  32. I. Rachůnková, L. Rachůnek: Barriers in impulsive antiperiodic problems. EJQTDE 83 (2019), 1-9.
  33. Lukáš Rachůnek: Blender 2.9 - Základy modelování pomocí příkladů. PřF UP, Olomouc 2021.
  34. Lukáš Rachůnek: POV-Ray - Modelování pomocí popisného jazyka. PřF UP, Olomouc 2023.

Lukáš Rachůnek