(a2ps.info)Global Options

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3.1.2 Global Options

These options are related to the interface between you and a2ps.

 -- Option: -q
 -- Option: --quiet
 -- Option: --silent
     be really quiet

 -- Option: -v[LEVEL]
 -- Option: --verbose[=LEVEL]
     tell what we are doing.  At
        - LEVEL = 0, report nothing,

        - LEVEL = 1, a2ps just prints the total number of pages printed,

        - LEVEL = 2 (default), it reports it for each file,

        - above, it gives internal details.
     There is also an interface made for the maintainer with finer
     grained selection of the verbosity level.  LEVEL is a list of
     tokens (non ambiguous abbreviations are valid) separated by either
     ',' or '+'.  The tokens may be:
          reading the configurations files and the options,

          the encodings,

          more detailed information is provided: PPD listings is

          inputs and outputs,

          the fonts,

          the expansion of escapes and variables,

          any parsing process (style sheets, PPD files etc.),

          the search for files,

          PPD processing,

          the style sheets,

          statistics on some internal data structures,

          launched programs or shell commands ; triggers the escape '?V'
          on (Note: Available Escapes),

          all the messages.

     When a2ps is launched it consults the environment variable
     'A2PS_VERBOSITY'.  If it is set, this defines the verbosity level
     for the whole session (options '--verbose', and '-q' etc.  have
     then no influence).  The valid values for 'A2PS_VERBOSITY' are
     exactly the valid arguments of the option '--verbose'.  This helps
     tracking down configuration problems that occur _before_ a2ps had
     even a chance to read the command line.

 -- Option: -=SHORTCUT
 -- Option: --user-option=SHORTCUT
     use the SHORTCUT defined by the user.  Note: Your Shortcuts.
     Shortcuts may be freely mixed with regular options and arguments.

     There are a few predefined user-options:
          emulates a line printer, i.e., turn off most 'pretty'

          preferred options to print a mail or a news.  'longmail'
          prints more text on a single sheet.

          make the job be printed on the manually fed tray.

 -- Option: --debug
     enable debugging features.  They are:
        - print the overall BoundingBox in PostScript;

        - down load a PostScript debugger which helps understanding why
          a printer may reject a file.

 -- Option: -D KEY[=VALUE]
 -- Option: --define=KEY[=VALUE]
     Without VALUE, unset the variable KEY.  Otherwise, set it to VALUE.
     Note: Your Variables, for more details.  Note that '-Dfoo=' gives
     FOO an empty value, though '-Dfoo' unsets foo.

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