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3.1 Command line options

To read the options and arguments that you give, a2ps uses GNU 'getopt',

   - the options (short with arguments or long) must be separated by

   - the order between options and files does not matter: 'a2ps -4m
     main.c' and 'a2ps main.c -4m' are identical.

   - the order between options *does matter*, especially between options
     that influence the same parameters.  For instance 'a2ps -1 -l132'
     is not the same as 'a2ps -l132 -1' (the latter being equivalent to
     'a2ps -1').

   - short options may be grouped together: 'a2ps -4mg main.c -P

   - when there are no ambiguities, long options can be abbreviated,
     e.g., '--pro' will be understood as '--prologue',

   - '--' ends the options.  Anything behind '--' is considered to be a
     file: 'a2ps -- -2' prints the file '-2'(1).

   Here after a BOOLEAN is considered as true (i.e.  setting the option
on), if BOOLEAN is 'yes', or '1'; as false if it equals 'no' or '0'; and
raise an error otherwise.  The corresponding short option takes no
arguments, but corresponds to a positive answer.

   When an argument is presented between square brackets, it means that
it is optional.  Optional arguments to short option must never be
separated from the option.

Tasks Options
Exclusive options
Global Options
Settings involving the whole process
Sheet Options
Specify the layout on the sheet
Page Options
Specify the virtual pages
Headings Options
Specify the headers you want
Input Options
How to process the input files
Pretty Print Options
Source files support
Output Options
What should be done of the output
PostScript Options
PostScript specific options
   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) A classical Unix trick to make the difference between the option
'-2', and the file '-2' is to type './-2'.

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