(a2ps.info)Invoking card

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9.1.1 Invoking 'card'


'card' is a shell script which tries to guess how to get your
APPLICATIONS' help message (typically by the options '--help' or '-h'),
and pretty prints it thanks to a2ps (or the content of the environment
variable 'A2PS' if it is set).  A2PS-OPTIONS are passed to a2ps.

   Supported options are:

 -- Option: -h
 -- Option: --help
     print a short help message and exit successfully.

 -- Option: -V
 -- Option: --version
     report the version and exit successfully.

 -- Option: -q
 -- Option: --quiet
 -- Option: --silent
     Run silently.

 -- Option: -D
 -- Option: --debug
     enter in debug mode.

 -- Option: -l LANGUAGE
 -- Option: --language=LANGUAGE
     specify the language in which the reference card should be printed.
     LANGUAGE should be the symbol used by 'LC_ALL' etc.  (such as 'fr',
     'it' etc.).

     If the APPLICATIONS don't support internationalization, English
     will be used.

 -- Option: --command=COMMAND
     Don't try to guess the APPLICATIONS' way to report their help
     message, but rather use the call COMMAND.  A typical example is
          card --command="cc -flags"

   It is possible to give options to a2ps (Note: Options) by
specifying them after '--'.  For instance
     card gmake gtar --command="cc -flags" -- -Pdisplay

builds the reference card of 'GNU make', 'GNU tar' (automatic detection
of '--help' support), and 'cc' thanks to '-flags'.

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