(octave.info)Figure Properties

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Enter node , (file) or (file)node Figure Properties

The ‘figure’ properties are:

‘alphamap’: def. 64-by-1 double
     Transparency is not yet implemented for figure objects.  ‘alphamap’
     is unused.

‘beingdeleted’: {"off"} | "on"

‘busyaction’: "cancel" | {"queue"}
     Define how Octave handles the execution of this object’s callback
     properties when it is unable to interrupt another object’s
     executing callback.  This is only relevant when the currently
     executing callback object has its ‘interruptible’ property set to
     "off".  The ‘busyaction’ property of the interrupting callback
     object indicates whether the interrupting callback is queued
     ("queue" (default)) or discarded ("cancel").  Note:
     Callbacks section.

‘buttondownfcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     For information on how to write graphics listener functions see
     Note: Callbacks section.

‘children’ (read-only): vector of graphics handles, def. ‘[](0x1)’
     Graphics handles of the figure’s children.

‘clipping’: "off" | {"on"}
     ‘clipping’ is unused.

‘closerequestfcn’: string | function handle, def. "closereq"
     Function that is executed when a figure is deleted.  Note: closereq

     For information on how to write graphics listener functions see
     Note: Callbacks section.

‘color’: colorspec, def. ‘[1 1 1]’
     Color of the figure background.  Note: colorspec.

‘colormap’: N-by-3 matrix, def. 64-by-3 double
     A matrix containing the RGB color map for the current axes.

‘createfcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     Callback function executed immediately after figure has been
     created.  Function is set by using default property on root object,
     e.g., ‘set (groot, "defaultfigurecreatefcn", 'disp ("figure

     For information on how to write graphics listener functions see
     Note: Callbacks section.

‘currentaxes’: graphics handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     Handle to the graphics object of the current axes.

‘currentcharacter’ (read-only): def. ""
     ‘currentcharacter’ is unused.

‘currentobject’ (read-only): graphics handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’

‘currentpoint’ (read-only): two-element vector, def. ‘[0; 0]’
     A 1-by-2 matrix which holds the coordinates of the point over which
     the mouse pointer was when a mouse event occurred.  The X and Y
     coordinates are in units defined by the figure’s ‘units’ property
     and their origin is the lower left corner of the plotting area.

     Events which set ‘currentpoint’ are
     A mouse button was pressed
     A mouse button was released
          only if the figure’s callback ‘windowbuttonupfcn’ is defined
     The pointer was moved while pressing the mouse button (drag)
          only if the figure’s callback ‘windowbuttonmotionfcn’ is

‘deletefcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     Callback function executed immediately before figure is deleted.

     For information on how to write graphics listener functions see
     Note: Callbacks section.

‘dockcontrols’: {"off"} | "on"
     ‘dockcontrols’ is unused.

‘filename’: string, def. ""
     The filename used when saving the plot figure.

‘graphicssmoothing’: "off" | {"on"}
     Use smoothing techniques to reduce the appearance of jagged lines.

‘handlevisibility’: "callback" | "off" | {"on"}
     If ‘handlevisibility’ is "off", the figure’s handle is not visible
     in its parent’s "children" property.

‘hittest’: "off" | {"on"}
     Specify whether figure processes mouse events or passes them to
     ancestors of the object.  When enabled, the object may respond to
     mouse clicks by evaluating the "buttondownfcn", showing the
     uicontextmenu, and eventually becoming the root "currentobject".
     This property is only relevant when the object can accept mouse
     clicks which is determined by the "pickableparts" property.  Note:
     pickableparts property.

‘integerhandle’: "off" | {"on"}
     Assign the next lowest unused integer as the Figure number.

‘interruptible’: "off" | {"on"}
     Specify whether this object’s callback functions may be interrupted
     by other callbacks.  By default ‘interruptible’ is "on" and
     callbacks that make use of ‘drawnow’, ‘figure’, ‘waitfor’,
     ‘getframe’ or ‘pause’ functions are eventually interrupted.  Note:
     Callbacks section.

‘inverthardcopy’: "off" | {"on"}
     Replace the figure and axes background color with white when

‘keypressfcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     Callback function executed when a keystroke event happens while the
     figure has focus.  The actual key that was pressed can be retrieved
     using the second argument ’evt’ of the function.  For information
     on how to write graphics listener functions see Note:
     Callbacks section.

‘keyreleasefcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     With ‘keypressfcn’, the keyboard callback functions.  These
     callback functions are called when a key is pressed/released
     respectively.  The functions are called with two input arguments.
     The first argument holds the handle of the calling figure.  The
     second argument holds an event structure which has the following
          The ASCII value of the key
          Lowercase value of the key
          A cell array containing strings representing the modifiers
          pressed with the key.

     For information on how to write graphics listener functions see
     Note: Callbacks section.

‘menubar’: {"figure"} | "none"
     Control the display of the figure menu bar at the top of the

‘name’: string, def. ""
     Name to be displayed in the figure title bar.  The name is
     displayed to the right of any title determined by the ‘numbertitle’

‘nextplot’: {"add"} | "new" | "replace" | "replacechildren"
     ‘nextplot’ is used by high level plotting functions to decide what
     to do with axes already present in the figure.  Note:
     newplot function.

‘numbertitle’: "off" | {"on"}
     Display "Figure" followed by the numerical figure handle value in
     the figure title bar.

‘outerposition’: four-element vector, def. ‘[-1 -1 -1 -1]’
     Specify the position and size of the figure including the top
     menubar and the bottom status bar.  The four elements of the vector
     are the coordinates of the lower left corner and width and height
     of the figure.  Note: units property.

‘paperorientation’: "landscape" | {"portrait"}
     The value for the ‘papersize’, and ‘paperposition’ properties
     depends upon ‘paperorientation’.  The horizontal and vertical
     values for ‘papersize’ and ‘paperposition’ reverse order when
     ‘paperorientation’ is switched between ‘"portrait"’ and

‘paperposition’: four-element vector, def. ‘[0.25000 2.50000 8.00000 6.00000]’
     Vector ‘[left bottom width height]’ defining the position and size
     of the figure (in ‘paperunits’ units) on the printed page.  The
     position ‘[left bottom]’ defines the lower left corner of the
     figure on the page, and the size is defined by ‘[width height]’.
     For output formats not implicitly rendered on paper, ‘width’ and
     ‘height’ define the size of the image and the position information
     is ignored.  Setting ‘paperposition’ also forces the
     ‘paperpositionmode’ property to be set to "manual".

‘paperpositionmode’: "auto" | {"manual"}
     If ‘paperpositionmode’ is set to "auto", the ‘paperposition’
     property is automatically computed: the printed figure will have
     the same size as the on-screen figure and will be centered on the
     output page.  Setting the ‘paperpositionmode’ to ‘"auto"’ does not
     modify the value of the ‘paperposition’ property.

‘papersize’: two-element vector, def. ‘[8.5000 11.0000]’
     Vector ‘[width height]’ defining the size of the paper for
     printing.  Setting the ‘papersize’ property to a value, not
     associated with one of the defined ‘papertypes’ and consistent with
     the setting for ‘paperorientation’, forces the ‘papertype’ property
     to the value "<custom>".  If ‘papersize’ is set to a value
     associated with a supported ‘papertype’ and consistent with the
     ‘paperorientation’, the ‘papertype’ value is modified to the
     associated value.

‘papertype’: "<custom>" | "a" | "a0" | "a1" | "a2" | "a3" | "a4" | "a5" | "arch-a" | "arch-b" | "arch-c" | "arch-d" | "arch-e" | "b" | "b0" | "b1" | "b2" | "b3" | "b4" | "b5" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "tabloid" | "uslegal" | {"usletter"}
     Name of the paper used for printed output.  Setting ‘papertype’
     also changes ‘papersize’, while maintaining consistency with the
     ‘paperorientation’ property.

‘paperunits’: "centimeters" | {"inches"} | "normalized" | "points"
     The unit used to compute the ‘paperposition’ property.  For
     ‘paperunits’ set to ‘"pixels"’, the conversion between physical
     units (ex: ‘"inches"’) and ‘"pixels"’ is dependent on the
     ‘screenpixelsperinch’ property of the root object.

‘parent’: graphics handle, def. ‘0’
     Handle of the parent graphics object.

‘pickableparts’ (read-only): "all" | "none" | {"visible"}
     ‘pickableparts’ is unused.

‘pointer’: {"arrow"} | "botl" | "botr" | "bottom" | "circle" | "cross" | "crosshair" | "custom" | "fleur" | "fullcrosshair" | "hand" | "ibeam" | "left" | "right" | "top" | "topl" | "topr" | "watch"
     ‘pointer’ is unused.

‘pointershapecdata’: def. 16-by-16 double
     ‘pointershapecdata’ is unused.

‘pointershapehotspot’: def. ‘[0 0]’
     ‘pointershapehotspot’ is unused.

‘position’: four-element vector, def. ‘[300 200 560 420]’
     Specify the position and size of the figure canvas.  The four
     elements of the vector are the coordinates of the lower left corner
     and width and height of the figure.  *Note units property:

‘renderer’: {"opengl"} | "painters"
     ‘renderer’ is unused.

‘renderermode’: {"auto"} | "manual"
     ‘renderermode’ is unused.

‘resize’: "off" | {"on"}
     ‘resize’ is unused.

‘resizefcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     ‘resizefcn’ is deprecated.  Use ‘sizechangedfcn’ instead.

‘selected’: {"off"} | "on"

‘selectionhighlight’: "off" | {"on"}

‘selectiontype’: "alt" | "extend" | {"normal"} | "open"

‘sizechangedfcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     Callback triggered when the figure window size is changed.

     For information on how to write graphics listener functions see
     Note: Callbacks section.

‘tag’: string, def. ""
     A user-defined string to label the graphics object.

‘toolbar’: {"auto"} | "figure" | "none"
     Control the display of the toolbar (along the bottom of the
     menubar) and the status bar.  When set to "auto", the display is
     based on the value of the ‘menubar’ property.

‘type’ (read-only): string
     Class name of the graphics object.  ‘type’ is always "figure"

‘uicontextmenu’: graphics handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     Graphics handle of the uicontextmenu object that is currently
     associated to this figure object.

‘units’: "centimeters" | "characters" | "inches" | "normalized" | {"pixels"} | "points"
     The unit used to compute the ‘position’ and ‘outerposition’

‘userdata’: Any Octave data, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     User-defined data to associate with the graphics object.

‘visible’: "off" | {"on"}
     If ‘visible’ is "off", the figure is not rendered on screen.

‘windowbuttondownfcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     Note: windowbuttonupfcn property.

‘windowbuttonmotionfcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     Note: windowbuttonupfcn property.

‘windowbuttonupfcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     With ‘windowbuttondownfcn’ and ‘windowbuttonmotionfcn’, the mouse
     callback functions.  These callback functions are called when a
     mouse button is pressed, dragged, or released respectively.  When
     these callback functions are executed, the ‘currentpoint’ property
     holds the current coordinates of the cursor.

     For information on how to write graphics listener functions see
     Note: Callbacks section.

‘windowkeypressfcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     Function that is executed when a key is pressed and the figure has

     For information on how to write graphics listener functions see
     Note: Callbacks section.

‘windowkeyreleasefcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     Function that is executed when a key is released and the figure has

     For information on how to write graphics listener functions see
     Note: Callbacks section.

‘windowscrollwheelfcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     ‘windowscrollwheelfcn’ is unused.

‘windowstyle’: "docked" | "modal" | {"normal"}
     The window style of a figure.  One of the following values:
          Set the window style as non modal.
          Set the window as modal so that it will stay on top of all
          normal figures.
          Setting the window style as docked currently does not dock the

     Changing modes of a visible figure may cause the figure to close
     and reopen.

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