(octave.info)Root Figure Properties

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Enter node , (file) or (file)node Root Figure Properties

The ‘root figure’ properties are:

‘beingdeleted’: {"off"} | "on"
     ‘beingdeleted’ is unused.

‘busyaction’: "cancel" | {"queue"}
     ‘busyaction’ is unused.

‘buttondownfcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     ‘buttondownfcn’ is unused.

‘callbackobject’ (read-only): graphics handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     Graphics handle of the current object whose callback is executing.

‘children’ (read-only): vector of graphics handles, def. ‘[](0x1)’
     Graphics handles of the root’s children.

‘clipping’: "off" | {"on"}
     ‘clipping’ is unused.

‘commandwindowsize’ (read-only): def. ‘[0 0]’

‘createfcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     ‘createfcn’ is unused.

‘currentfigure’: graphics handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     Graphics handle of the current figure.

‘deletefcn’: string | function handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     ‘deletefcn’ is unused.

‘fixedwidthfontname’: string, def. "Courier"

‘handlevisibility’: "callback" | "off" | {"on"}
     ‘handlevisibility’ is unused.

‘hittest’: "off" | {"on"}
     ‘hittest’ is unused.

‘interruptible’: "off" | {"on"}
     ‘interruptible’ is unused.

‘monitorpositions’ (read-only):
     ‘monitorpositions’ is unused.

‘parent’: graphics handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     Root figure has no parent graphics object.  ‘parent’ is always

‘pickableparts’: "all" | "none" | {"visible"}
     ‘pickableparts’ is unused.

‘pointerlocation’: two-element vector, def. ‘[0 0]’
     ‘pointerlocation’ is unused.

‘pointerwindow’ (read-only): graphics handle, def. ‘0’
     ‘pointerwindow’ is unused.

‘screendepth’ (read-only): double

‘screenpixelsperinch’ (read-only): double

‘screensize’ (read-only): four-element vector

‘selected’: {"off"} | "on"
     ‘selected’ is unused.

‘selectionhighlight’: "off" | {"on"}
     ‘selectionhighlight’ is unused.

‘showhiddenhandles’: {"off"} | "on"
     If ‘showhiddenhandles’ is "on", all graphics objects handles are
     visible in their parents’ children list, regardless of the value of
     their ‘handlevisibility’ property.

‘tag’: string, def. ""
     A user-defined string to label the graphics object.

‘type’ (read-only): string
     Class name of the graphics object.  ‘type’ is always "root"

‘uicontextmenu’: graphics handle, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     ‘uicontextmenu’ is unused.

‘units’: "centimeters" | "inches" | "normalized" | {"pixels"} | "points"

‘userdata’: Any Octave data, def. ‘[](0x0)’
     User-defined data to associate with the graphics object.

‘visible’: "off" | {"on"}
     ‘visible’ is unused.

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