(texdraw)Drawing paths

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3.2 Drawing paths

Certain subtle interactions occur between drawing segments and fill
operations.  In PostScript, lines are drawn by first defining a path,
then later stroking the path to draw the line.  In TeXdraw, this
stroking occurs when the line is terminated, say by a '\move' command.
PostScript paths are interrupted by, but continue after a drawing
segment.  This means that a path started before a segment may not be
stroked (drawn) until after the segment ends.  Consider the following
     \move (0 0)
     \lvec (1 1)
       \move (-0.25 -0.25)
       \fcir f:0.8 r:0.5
     \move (0 0)
   A PostScript path is started at '(0 0)' and continues with a line to
'(1 1)'.  This path is interrupted by the segment.  The filled circle is
drawn next.  After the segment, the path continues and is not stroked
until the '\move (0 0)' command after the end of the segment.  This
means that the line appears on top of the filled region.

   If the fill operation is to cover the line, the path must be stroked
before the fill operation.  From TeXdraw, the move commands '\move' and
'\rmove', and the end TeXdraw command '\etexdraw' terminate a path and
cause it to be stroked.  Within a segment, the end segment command
'\esegment' also terminates and strokes a path.  In the example above,
the line can be stroked by inserting a move command (such as a '\rmove
(0 0)' which does not affect the position), before the start of the

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