(texdraw)Drawing segments

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3.1 Drawing segments

A TeXdraw drawing segment allows for local modifications of parameters
and relative positioning.  A TeXdraw segment is delimited by a
'\bsegment' command and an '\esegment' command.  Inside the segment, the
initial current position is '(0 0)'.  Any changes to parameters such as
the gray level and the line width, remain local to the segment.
Segments are implemented in TeX using a '\begingroup' and '\endgroup'.
Segments can be nested.

     Start a drawing segment.  The coordinate system is shifted such
     that the current position corresponds to the coordinate '(0 0)'.
     Changes to scaling, position and line parameters stay local to the
     drawing segment.
     End a drawing segment.  The current position in effect before the
     corresponding '\bsegment' command is restored.  The scaling and
     line parameter values revert to those in effect before the
     corresponding '\bsegment' command was invoked.

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