1998: PG 98 479 - "Kvalitativní vlastnosti řešení
funkcionálních a obyčejných diferenciálních rovnic" (člen řeš.
1997: PG 97 207 - "Kvalitativní vlastnosti řešení
funkcionálních a obyčejných diferenciálních rovnic" (člen řeš.
1996: FRVŠ - "Dynamické systémy, okrajové úlohy a jejich
aplikace II" (člen řeš. kolektivu)
1995: FRVŠ - "Dynamické systémy, okrajové úlohy a jejich
aplikace I" (člen řeš. kolektivu)
Problematika výzkumu
kvalitativní teorie diferenciálních a diferenčních rovnic, singulární
okrajové problémy a problémy s impulsy
Seznam publikací
2018 + přijato
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: Equivalence between distributional
differential equations and periodic problems with state-dependent
impulses. EJQTDE 2 (2018), 1-22.
W. Auzinger, J. Burkotová, I. Rachůnková, V. Wenin: Shooting
methods for state-dependent impulsive boundary value problems
with applications. Applied Numerical Mathematics 128 (2018),
J. Burkotová, I. Rachůnková, S. Staněk, E. Weinmüller, S. Wurm:
On nonlinear singular BVPs with nonsmooth data. Part 1: Analytical
results. Applied Numerical Mathematics 130 (2018), 23-50.
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: Distributional van der Pol equation
with state-dependent impulses. Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 58
(2018), 185-197.
L. Rachůnek, I. Rachůnková: Homoclinic solutions of singular
differential equations with phi-Laplacian. EJQTDE 72 (2018), 1-19.
J. Burkotová, I. Rachůnková, E. B. Weinmüller: On singular BVPs
with unsmooth data. Analysis of the linear case with variable
coefficient matrix. Applied Numerical Mathematics 114 (2017),
77-96. PDF
A. Rontó, I. Rachůnková, M. Rontó, L. Rachůnek: Investigation
of solutions of state-dependent multi-impulsive boundary value
problem. Georgian Mathematical Journal (2017) 24 (2): 287-312.
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: Antiperiodic solution of van der Pol
equation with state-dependent impulses. Electronic Journal of
Differential Equations 247 (2017), 1-17.
J. Burkotová, I. Rachůnková, E. B. Weinmüller: On singular
BVPs with unsmooth data. Convergence of the collocation
schemes. BIT Numer. Math. (2017) 57: 1153-1184.
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: Impulsive problems and
distributional differential equations. Functional
differential equations 24 (2017), 111-126.
J. Burkotová, I. Rachůnková, M. Rohleder, J. Stryja: Existence
and uniqueness of damped solutions of singular IVPs with
phi-Laplacian. EJQTDE 121 (2016) 1-28.
I. Rachůnková, L. Rachůnek, A. Rontó, M. Rontó: A constructive
approach to boundary value problems with state-dependent impulses.
Applied Mathematics and Computation 274 (2016) 726-744.
J. Burkotová, M. Hubner, I. Rachůnková, E. B. Weinmüller: Asymptotic
properties of Kneser solutions to nonlinear second order ODE with
regularly varying coefficients. Applied Mathematics and Computation
274 (2016) 65-82. PDF
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: State-Dependent Impulses: Boundary Value
Problems on Compact Interval. Atlantis Press, Paris 2015.
I. Rachůnková, J. Stryja: Lower and upper functions in singular
Dirichlet problem with phi-Laplacian. Mathematical Notes 97, 4 (2015),
588-597. PDF
J. Burkotová, I. Rachůnková, S. Staněk, E. B. Weinmüller: Analytical and
numerical treatment of singular linear BVPs with unsmooth
inhomogeneity. AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. 1648, Rhodos, 2014.
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: Fixed point problem associated with
state-dependent impulsive boundary value problems. AIP Conf. Proc., Vol
1648, Rhodos, 2014.
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: Existence principle for BVPs with
state-dependent impulses. Topol. Methods in Nonlin. Analysis 44, 2
(2014), 349-368. PDF
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: Second order BVPs with
state-dependent impulses via lower and upper functions. Central
European Journal of Mathematics 12, 1 (2014), 128-140.
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: Existence principle for higher order
nonlinear differential equations with state-dependent impulses via
fixed point theorem. Boundary Value Problems 2014, 2014:118, 15 pp.
J. Gchwindl, I. Rachůnková, S. Staněk, E. Weinmüller: Positive
blow-up solutions to nonlinear models from real world dynamics.
Boundary Value Problems 2014, 2014:121, 23 pp.
J. Burkotová, I. Rachůnková, S. Staněk, E. Weinmüller: On linear
ODEs with a time singularity of the first kind and unsmooth
inhomogeneity. Boundary Value Problems 2014, 2014:183, 34 pp.
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: Fixed point problem associated with
state-dependent impulsive boundary value problems. Boundary Value
Problems 2014, 2014:172, 17 pp. PDF
I. Rachůnková et al.: A tribute to Ivan Kiguradze. Boundary
Value Problems 2014, 2014:228, 11 pp.
I. Rachůnková, S. Staněk: Properties of the set of positive
solutions to Dirichlet boundary value problems with time
singularities. Central European Journal of Mathematics 11 (1)
(2013), 112-132. PDF
I. Rachůnková, A. Spielauer, S. Staněk, E. Weinmüller: The
structure of a set of positive solutions to Dirichlet BVPs with time
and space singularities. Georgian Math. J. 20 (1) (2013), 95-127.
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: New approach to BVPs with
state-dependent impulses. Boundary Value Problems 2013, 2013: 22,
13 pp. PDF
I. Rachůnková, A. Spielauer, S. Staněk, E. Weinmüller: Positive
solutions of nonlinear Dirichlet BVPs in ODEs with time and space
singularities. Boundary Value Problems 2013 2013:6, 22 pp.
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: Impulsive system of ODEs with general
linear boundary conditions. Electronic Journal of Qualitative
Theory of Differential Equations 25 (2013), 1-16.
L. Rachůnek, I. Rachůnková: First order nonlinear differential
equations with state-dependent impulses. Boundary Value Problems
2013, 2013: 195, 18 pp. PDF
L. Rachůnek, I. Rachůnková: Homoclinic solutions of
non-autonomous difference equations arising in hydrodynamics.
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 12 (2011), 14-23.
L. Rachůnek, I. Rachůnková: On a homoclinic point of some
autonomous second-order difference equation. Journal of Difference
Equations and Applications 17 (2011), 753-764.
I. Rachůnková, L. Rachůnek, J. Tomeček: Existence of oscillatory
solutions of singular nonlinear differential equations. Abstract
and Applied Analysis. Vol. 2011, Article ID 408525, 20 pages.
I. Rachůnková, L. Rachůnek: Asymptotic formula for oscillatory
solutions of some singular nonlinear differential equation.
Abstract and Applied Analysis. Vol. 2011, Article ID 981401, 9 pages.
A. Feichtinger, I. Rachůnková, S. Staněk, E. Weinmüller:
Periodic BVPs in ODEs with time singularities. Computers and
Mathematics with Applications 62 (2011), 2058-2070.
I. Rachůnková: Asymptotic properties of homoclinic solutions of
some singular nonlinear differential equations. Memoirs on
Differential Equations and Math. Physics 54 (2011), 83-98.
I. Rachůnková, G. Pulverer, E. Weinmüller: A unified aproach to
singular problems arising in the membrane theory. Applications of
Mathematics 55 (2010), 47-75. PDF
I. Rachůnková, S. Staněk, E. Weinmüller, M. Zenz: Neumann
problems with time singularities. Computers and Mathematics with
Applications 60 (2010), 722-733. PDF
L. Rachůnek, I. Rachůnková: Homoclinic solutions of
non-autonomous difference equations arising in hydrodynamics.
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 12 (2011), 14-23.
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: Bubble-type solutions of nonlinear
singular problems. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 51 (2010),
658-669. PDF
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: Strictly increasing solutions of a
nonlinear singular differential equation arising in hydrodynamics.
Nonlinear Analysis 72 (2010), 2114-2118. PDF
L. Rachůnek, I. Rachůnková: Strictly increasing solutions of
non-autonomous difference equations arising in hydrodynamics.
Advances in Difference Equations, Recent Trends in Differential and
Difference Equations. Vol. 2010, Article ID 714891, 11 pages.
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček, J. Stryja: Oscillatory solutions of
singular equations arising in hydrodynamics. Advances in Difference
Equations, Recent Trends in Differential and Difference Equations. Vol.
2010, Article ID 872160, 13 pages. PDF
L. Rachůnek, I. Rachůnková: Approximation of differential
problems with singularities and time discontinuities. Nonlinear
Analysis, TMA 71 (2009), e1448-e1460. PDF
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: Homoclinic solutions of singular
nonautonomous second order differential equations. Boundary Value
Problems. Vol. 2009, Article ID 959636, 21 pages.
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: Singular problems on the
half-line. Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. rer. nat., Mathematica
48 (2009), 109-128. PDF
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: Singular nonlinear problem for
ordinary differential equation of the second-order on the
half-line. Mathematical Models in Engineering, Biology, and
Medicine, Proceedinngs of the International Conference on Boundary
Value Problems, edited by A. Cabada, E. Lis and J. J. Nieto, (2009),
294-303. PDF
I. Rachůnková, S. Staněk, M. Tvrdý: Solvability of Nonlinear
Singular Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations. Hindawi
Publishing Corporation, New York, USA, 2009, 268 pages.
I. Rachůnková, S. Staněk, E. Weinmüller, M. Zenz: Limit
properties of solutions of singular second-order differential
equations. Boundary Value Problems, Vol. 2009, Article ID 905769,
28 pages. PDF
I. Rachůnková, L. Rachůnek: Singular discrete and continuous
mixed boundary value problems. Math. Comp. Modelling 49 (2009),
413-422. PDF
I. Rachůnková, L. Rachůnek: Singular discrete problem arising in
the theory of shallow membrane caps. Journal of Difference
Equations and Applications 14 (2008), 747-767.
I. Rachůnková, J. Stryja: Dirichlet problem with phi-Laplacian
and mixed singularities. Nonlinear Oscillations 11 (2008), 81-95.
I. Rachůnková, J. Stryja: Singular Dirichlet boundary value
problem for second order ODE. Georgian Math. Journal 14 (2007),
325-340. PDF
I. Rachůnková, L. Rachůnek: Solvability of discrete Dirichlet
problem via lower and upper functions method. Journal of Difference
Equations and Applications 13 (2007), 423-429.
I. Rachůnková, C. C. Tisdell: Existence of non-spurious
solutions to discrete Dirichlet problems with lower and upper
solutions. Nonlinear Analysis 67 (2007), 1236-1245.
I. Rachůnková, O. Koch, G. Pulverer, E. Weinmüller: On a
singular boundary value problem arising in the theory of shallow
membrane caps. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 332 (2007), 523-541.
D. R. Anderson, I. Rachůnková, C. C. Tisdell: Solvability of
discrete Neumann boundary value problems. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 331
(2007), 736-741. PDF
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: Singular nonlinear problem for
ordinary differential equation of the second order. Acta Univ.
Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. rer. nat., Mathematica 46 (2007), 75-84.
I. Rachůnková: Singular mixed boundary value problem. J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 320 (2006), 611-618. PDF
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: Singular Dirichlet problem for
ordinary differential equation with impulses. Nonlinear Analysis
65 (2006), 210-229. PDF
I. Rachůnková, S. Staněk, M. Tvrdý: Singularities and Laplacians
in Boundary Value Problems for Nonlinear Ordinary Differential
Equations. Handbook of Differential Equations. Ordinary
Differential Equations, vol.3, pp. 607-723. Ed. by A. Cañada, P.
Drábek, A. Fonda. Elsevier 2006. PDF
V. Polášek, I. Rachůnková: Singular periodic problem for
nonlinear ordinary differential equations with phi-Laplacian.
Electronic J. Differential Equations, Vol.2006 (2006), No. 27, pp.
1-12. PDF
I. Rachůnková: Strong singularities in mixed boundary value
problems. Mathematica Bohemica 131 (2006), 393-409.
I. Rachůnková, L. Rachůnek: Singular discrete second order BVPs
with p-Laplacian. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications
12 (2006), 811-819. PDF
I. Rachůnková, C. C. Tisdell: Existence of non-spurious
solutions to discrete boundary value problems. Australian Journal
of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 (2006), 1-9.
I. Rachůnková: Superlinear mixed BVP with time and space
singularities. Conference Proceedings CDDEA 2005, Hindawi Publ.
Corporation, Eds. R. P. Agarwal, K. Perera, 2006, pp. 953-961.
I. Rachůnková, M. Tvrdý: Periodic singular problem with
quasilinear differential operator. Mathematica Bohemica 131 (2006),
321-336. PDF
V. Polášek, I. Rachůnková: Singular Dirichlet problem for
ordinary differential equations with phi-Laplacian. Mathematica
Bohemica 130 (2005), 409-425. PDF
I. Rachůnková, M. Tvrdý: Second order periodic problems with
phi-Laplacian and impulses. Proc. WCNA 2004. Nonlinear Analysis 63
(2005), e257-e266. PDF
I. Rachůnková, M. Tvrdý: Periodic problems with phi-Laplacian
involving non-ordered lower and upper functions. Fixed Point Theory
6 (2005), 99-112. PDF
I. Rachůnková, M. Tvrdý: Method of lower and upper functions in
impulsive periodic boundary value problems. EQUADIFF 2003, pp.
252-257. World Scientific, Singapore 2005.
I. Rachůnková, M. Tvrdý: Non-ordered lower and upper functions
in second order impulsive periodic problems. DCDIS, Ser. A, Math.
Anal. 12 (2005), 397-415. PDF
I. Rachůnková, M. Tvrdý: Nonmonotone impulse effects in second
order periodic boundary value problems. Abstr. Appl. Anal. 7
(2004), 577-590. PDF
I. Rachůnková, M. Tvrdý: Construction of non-constant lower and
upper functions for impulsive periodic problems. Electronic J.
Qualit. Th. Diff. Equations (Proc. 7th Coll. QTDE) 19 (2004), 1-8.
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: Impulsive BVPs with nonlinear
boundary conditons for the second order differential equations without
growth restrictions. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 292 (2004), 525-539.
I. Rachůnková, S. Staněk: General existence principle for
singular BVPs and its applications. Georgian Mathematical Journal
11 (2004), 549-565. PDF
I. Rachůnková, S. Staněk: A singular boundary value problem for
odd order differential equations. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 291 (2004),
741-756. PDF
I. Rachůnková, M. Tvrdý: Existence results for impulsive second
order periodic problems. Nonlin. Anal. 59 (2004), 133-146.
I. Rachůnková, S. Staněk: Zeros of derivatives of solutions to
singular (p,n-p) conjugate BVPs. Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac.
rer. nat., Mathematica 43 (2004), 137-141. PDF
I. Rachůnková: Singular Dirichlet second order boundary value
problems with impulses. Journal Diff. Equations 193 (2003),
435-459. PDF
I. Rachůnková, S. Staněk: Sturm-Liouville and focal higher order
BVPs with singularities in phase variables. Georgian Mathematical
Journal 10 (2003), 165-191. PDF
I. Rachůnková, S. Staněk: Sign-changing solutions of singular
Dirichlet boundary value problems. Archives of Inequalities and
Applications 1 (2003), 11-30. PDF
I. Rachůnková, S. Staněk: Connections between types of
singularities in differential equations and smoothness of solutions of
Dirichlet BVPs. Dyn. Contin. Discrete Impulsive Syst. 10 (2003),
209-222. PDF
I. Rachůnková, M. Tvrdý, I. Vrkoč: Resonance and multiplicity in
periodic boundary value problems with singularity. Mathematica
Bohemica 128 (2003), 45-70. PDF
R. P. Agarwal, D. O'Regan, I. Rachůnková, S. Staněk: Two-point
higher order BVPs with singularities in phase variables. Computers
and Mathematics with Applications 46 (12) (2003), 1799-1826.
I. Rachůnková, M. Tvrdý: Localization of nonsmooth lower and
upper functions for periodic boundary value problems, Math.
Bohemica 127 (2002), 531-545. PDF
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: On nonlinear boundary value problems
with impulses, Mathematical Notes (Miskolc) 3 (2002), 59-69.
I. Rachůnková, J. Tomeček: On nonlinear boundary value problems
for systems of differential equations with impulses. Acta Univ.
Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. rer. nat., Mathematica 41 (2002), 119-129.
I. Rachůnková, M. Tvrdý: Impulsive periodic boundary value
problem and topological degree. Functional Differential Equations
No. 3-4, 9 (2002), 471-498. PDF
I. Rachůnková: On the existence of more positive solutions of
periodic BVPs with singularity, Applicable Analysis 79 (2001),
257-275. PDF
J. Draessler, I. Rachůnková: On three solutions of the second
order periodic boundary value problem, Nonlinear Oscillations 4
(2001), 471-486. PDF
I. Rachůnková, M. Tvrdý: Nonlinear systems of differential
inequalities and solvability of certain nonlinear second order boundary
value problems, Journal Inequal. Appl. 6 (2001), 199-226.
I. Rachůnková, M. Tvrdý: Construction of lower and upper
functions and their application to regular and singular periodic
boundary value problems, Nonlinear Anal. TMA 47 (2001), 6,
3937-3948. PDF
I. Rachůnková, M. Tvrdý, I. Vrkoč: Existence of nonnegative and
nonpositive solutions for second order periodic boundary value
problems, Journal Diff. Equations 176 (2001), 445-469.
I. Rachůnková: Upper and lower solutions and multiplicity
results, Journal Math. Anal. Appl. 246 (2000), 449-464.
I. Rachůnková: Existence of two positive solutions of a singular
nonlinear periodic boundary value problem, Journal Comp. Appl.
Math. 113 (2000), 27-34. PDF
I. Rachůnková, M. Tvrdý: Method of lower and upper functions and
the existence of solutions to singular periodic problems for second
order nonlinear differential equations, Math. Notes Miskolc 2
(2000), 135-143. PDF
I. Rachůnková: Upper and lower solutions and topological
degree, Journal Math. Anal. Appl. 234 (1999), 311-327.
I. Rachůnková: On four-point boundary value problems without
growth conditions, Czechoslovak Math. Journal 49 (1999), 241-248.
I. Rachůnková: Topological degree methods in functional boundary
value problems, Univ. Jagell. Acta Math. 36 (1998), 237-238.
I. Rachůnková: Topological degree, lower and upper solutions and
multiplicity for functional boundary value problems, Functional
Diff. Eqns 5 (1998), 403-423.
I. Rachůnková: Upper and lower solutions satisfying the inverse
inequality, Ann. Pol. Math. 65 (1997), 235-244.
I. Rachůnková: Multiple solutions of nonlinear boundary value
problems and topological degree, Proc. EQUADIFF 9 Brno (1997),
I. Rachůnková, S. Staněk: Topological degree methods in
functional boundary value problems, Nonlinear Anal. TMA 27 (1996),
153-166. PDF
I. Rachůnková, S. Staněk: Topological degree methods in
functional boundary value problems at resonance, Nonlinear Anal.
TMA 27 (1996), 271-285. PDF
I. Rachůnková: Topological degree methods in BVPs with nonlinear
conditions, Ann. Math. Silesian. 11 (1996), 103-110.
I. Rachůnková: On the existence of two solutions of the
four-point problem, Journal Math. Anal. Appl. 193 (1995), 245-254.
I. Rachůnková: On the existence of two solutions of the periodic
problem for the ordinary differential equation, Nonlinear Anal. TMA
22 (1994), 1315-1322.
I. Rachůnková: Sign conditions in nonlinear boundary value
problems, Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. rer. nat., Mathematica
114 (1994), 117-124. PDF
I. Rachůnková: Boundary value problems with nonlinear
conditions, Acta Math. Inf. Univ. Ostrav. 2 (1994), 71-77.
I. Rachůnková: On the number of solutions of the Neumann problem
for the ordinary second order differential equation, Ann. Math.
Silesian. 7 (1993), 79-87.
I. Rachůnková: Multiplicity results for four-point boundary
value problems, Nonlinear Anal. TMA 18 (1992), 497-505.
I. Rachůnková: On a certain four-point problem, Radovi
Matem. 8 (1992), 81-93.
I. Rachůnková: On some three-point problems for third-order
differential equations, Math. Bohemica 117 (1992), 98-110.
I. Rachůnková: On a transmission problem, Acta Univ.
Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. rer. nat., Mathematica 105 (1992), 45-59.
I. Rachůnková: Multipoint boundary value problems at
resonance, Fasc. Math. 23 (1991), 97-102.
I. Rachůnková: Periodic boundary value problems for third order
differential equations, Math. Slovaca 41 (1991), 241-248.
I. Rachůnková: An existence theorem of the Leray-Schauder type
for four-point boundary value problems, Acta Univ. Palacki.
Olomuc., Fac. rer. nat., Mathematica 100 (1991), 49-59.
I. Rachůnková: On Kneser problem for differential equations of
the 3rd order, Časopis pro pěst. mat. 115 (1990), 18-27.
I. Rachůnková: Nonnegative nonincreasing solutions of
differential equations of the 3rd order, Czechoslovak Math. Journal
40 (1990), 213- 221.
I. Rachůnková: 2n-point problems for differential equations of
the n-th order, Journal Math. Anal. Appl. 145 (1990), 100-111.
I. Rachůnková: Periodic boundary value problems for second order
differential equations, Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. rer.
nat., Mathematica 97 (1990), 83-91.
I. Rachůnková: Existence and uniqueness of solutions of
(n+1)-point value problems for differential equations of the n-th
order, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 155 (1989), 285-298.
I. Rachůnková: The first kind periodic solutions of differential
equations of the second order, Math. Slovaca 39 (1989), 407-415.
I. Rachůnková: On a certain three-point boundary value
problem, Math. Slovaca 39 (1989), 417-426.
I. Rachůnková: A four-point problem for differential equations
of the second order, Arch. Math. (Brno) 25 (1989), 175-184.
I. Rachůnková: Existence and uniqueness of solutions of
four-point boundary value problems for 2nd order differential
equations, Czechoslovak Math. Journal 39 (1989), 692-700.
I. Rachůnková: On certain multipoint boundary value
problems, Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. rer. nat., Mathematica
94 (1989), 43-60.
I. Rachůnková: Multipoint boundary value problems at
resonance, Proc. EQUADIFF 7 Praha 1989.
I. Rachůnková: On a nonlinear problem for third order
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I. Rachůnková: On (n+1)-point boundary value problem for
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1974 - 1984
I. Rachůnková: On the theory of phases of Academician O.
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I. Rachůnková: On algebraic properties of dispersions of the 3rd
and 4th kind of differential equation y´´ = q(t)y, Časopis pro
pěst. mat. 100 (1975), 15-25.
I. Rachůnková: On a coincindence of central dispersions of the
first and second kind in connection with periodic solutions of the
differential equation y´´ = q(t)y, Arch. Math. (Brno) 4 (1975),
I. Rachůnková: Algebraic properties of phases of the
differential equation y´´ = q(t)y, Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc.,
Fac. rer. nat., Mathematica 57 (1978), 69-76.
I. Kiguradze, I. Rachůnková: On the solvability of a nonlinear
problem of the Kneser type, (in Russian), Diff. Uravn. 15 (1979),
I. Rachůnková: On the Kneser problem for systems of ordinary
differential equations, (in Russian), Soob. Acad. Nauk GSSR 94
(1979), 545-548.
I. Kiguradze, I. Rachůnková: On a certain non-linear problem for
two-dimensional differential systems, Arch. Math. (Brno) 16 (1980),
I. Rachůnková: On a Kneser problem for a system of nonlinear
ordinary differential equations, Czechoslovak Math. Journal 31
(1981), 114-126.
I. Rachůnková: On one nonlinear boundary value problem for
differential systems of the n-th order, (in Russian), Czechoslovak
Math. Journal 34 (1984), 285-297.